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这个案子一直悬而未决。The case is still pending.

他们的案子依然悬而未决。Their case is still pending.

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一个漫长的诉讼仍悬而未决。A long-running lawsuit is pending.

有些冲突悬而未决。There is some conflict in the air.

阿森纳门将位置至今悬而未决。The position of goalkeeper is moot.

这个悬而未决的问题什么时候能解决呢?。When will the pendent problem be solved?

里格登问道,“这确实是个悬而未决的问题。”Rigden asked. “That’s a really open question.

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其他困扰的问题仍悬而未决。Other nettlesome issues are still open, as well.

有超过90例,仅在空中交通管制3悬而未决。There are more than 90 cases pending in ATC 3 alone.

实际上,台北的另一项请求仍悬而未决。Indeed, another request from Taipei is still pending.

目前几项法定的批准程序仍然悬而未决。Several required ratifications are still outstanding.

克林顿拿下了当时悬而未决的伊利诺伊州。Clinton ended up carrying Illinois, then a tossup state.

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关于窃听我的电话的问题依然悬而未决。The question about tapping my telephone is still hanging.

一个悬而未决的问题是如何定义“技术”移民。One unresolved issue is how to define a "skilled" immigrant.

那个悬而未决的问题应让更多的人来讨论。The pending debate should be placed before a larger audience.

杨说,特鲁哈特的血液测试的结果仍然悬而未决。Young said the results of Trueheart's blood tests were pending.

另一个悬而未决的谜团是为什么水星上有磁场。Yet another longstanding mystery is why Mercury has a magnetic field.

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由于商业模式悬而未决,所有的工作都停滞不前。Because commercial pattern is pendent , all jobs backwater not before.

但希腊人是否会平静下来,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。Whether the Greek people will also be calmed is still an open question.

同时富油地区阿卜耶伊的归属问题一直悬而未决。In addition, the sovereignty of oil-rich Abyei has remained in dispute as well.