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他昨天去探望他守寡的母亲。He visited his widowed mother yesterday.

一位守寡的史密斯夫人,住在西门大楼!A widow Mrs Smith lodging in Westgate Buildings!

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我是下流痞子,不值得你守寡!I am a dirty ruffian, widowhood is not worth you!

对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincerely.

她想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。She can image what a lonely life her widow sister is living.

守寡的打击和悲伤让人难以承受。Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.

她想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living.

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玛丽是位退休教师,从1960年代开始守寡,直到几年前还独立生活。She was widowed in the 1960s and lived on her own until a few years ago.

静居守寡的那种优悠自得的境地,就是使太太精神振作的唯一希望。The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keep up a wife's spirits.

静居守寡的那种优悠自得的境地,就是使太太精神振作的惟一希望。The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.

在鸽子归舍之后的几个星期后,守寡的雄鸽会在圣诞节时配对。The widowhood cocks are mated at Christmas, a couple of weeks after the stock birds.

守寡的考特很高兴让他们及两个孩子和三条狗一起搬进来。Widowed Lookout happy so that they and their two children and three dogs moved in together.

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加丹加省卡莱米-如果有任何人像15个月大的婴儿那样脆弱的话,这个人就是她守寡的母亲。Kalemie Katanga – If there is anyone as vulnerable as a 15-month-old baby, it is her widowed mother.

临行前,朱耀棕请求皇上为多年守寡一直不嫁的母亲竖立贞节牌坊。Before he left he begged the emperor for a favor--to erect a chastity archway in honor of his widowed mother.

武帝也为了笼络住东方朔,思谋着把自己守寡数年的姐姐平阳公主撮合给东方朔为妻。The emperor also to live with their widowed simou dongfangshuo, years of sister princess Pingyang to his wife together.

57岁到64岁的已婚女士,没有离婚也没有守寡的那些,和同年龄的已婚男士OOXX次数差不多。Married women ages 57 to 64 who haven't been divorced or widowed report having about as much sex as married men in the same age group.

我妈妈守寡三年了,第一个没有我爸爸的情人节是她最难熬的日子,因为那天还是我爸爸的生日。When my mom was widowed three years ago, her first V-day alone was the most difficult time for her because it was also my dad's birthday.

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就是守寡一年的孝期也够了,何况是面对并不怎么美好的短暂爱情。Have been that filial piety for 1 year is also enough to expect that live in widowhood , not to mention being brief not how fine love to face.

结果显示,一对双胞胎中的离婚者比已婚、单身或守寡者看起来要老两岁。The results showed that the twin who had gone through a divorce appeared two years older than the one who was married, single or had been widowed.

她一辈子都没有孩子。1959年,也就是结婚20年后,她就开始守寡。此后,她一直独自在小镇霍赫芬的一套公寓中生活到106岁。She had no children and was widowed in 1959 after 20 years of marriage, but continued to live on her own in an apartment in Hoogeveen until she was 106.