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他去跟一名手艺人当穴谓。He's apprenticed to a craftsman.

他去跟一名手艺人当学徒。He's apprenticed to a craftsman.

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他父亲是个技艺高超的手艺人。His father is a highly skilled craftspeople.

我对年轻的手艺人的建议是要特别有激情。My advice to young craftsmen is to be very passionate.

探索他作为一个手艺人的成长过程是很有趣的。It is interesting to trace his development as a craftsman.

这个手艺人是做皮货的。This craftsman works in leather, IE makes leather goods, etc.

被培训的手艺人因学艺为师付工作数年的合同。Contract by which a trainee craftsman work for a master for some.

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制陶是个手艺活,但制陶的手艺人却逐年减少。Pottery is a craft alive, but the pottery artisans are decreasing.

天下饿不死手艺人,也只是饿不死而已。Hungry undead craftsmen all over the world, also just hungry undead.

他是个打零工的手艺人,总是用零七碎八的物件做些东西。A self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends.

他是个体手艺人,总是用零星东西做些小玩艺儿。A self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends.

直到国际琴师学校开办后,手艺人们回归,高品质小提琴才再次呈现。Only after the school opened, did craftsmen return and quality pick up again.

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我洗了一张照片,叮嘱他们务必亲手把照片交给那个手艺人。I made a copy of the photo and made them promise to hand-deliver it to the artisans.

铁匠,木匠,以及其他赚点小钱的手艺人也是艺人。Blacksmiths, carpenters, and other utilitarian craftsmen are also considered Artisans.

林汉彬老人就是经营这古城灿烂表情的手艺人之一。The old man Lin Hanbin is one of the craftsmen who build up the grand sight of the city.

月,兰州街头的一名捏面人的手艺人和他的自行车货摊。In December 2006, a dough figurine craftsman stands by his bicycle – an improvised stall.

原清风山三个头领都是买卖或手艺人出身。Three chieftans of mountain all buy and sell original fresh breeze or the artisan come from.

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我们的大客车停在了一座陡峭的小山脚下,那里有当地手艺人摆的一些货摊。The coach let us off at the bottom of a steep hill where a number of local artisans had set up booths.

他边给我一个大大的、明亮的笑容,边说他是个手艺人——但是,是那种非常非常享受他的生活和艺术的手艺人。He told me with a big bright smile that he was a craftsman- but, who enjoyed his life and art very very much.

多数经济学家都不做预测工作,而且,像诚实的手艺人一样,他们憎恨那些活儿较次,工酬不符的人。Most economists do not do forecasting and, like honest craftsmen, they resent those who earn more money for shoddier work.