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我需要省察我的心不随便对人起疑心。My mind needs a guard from suspicion.

我需要省察我的心不致陷入试探。My mind needs a guard from temptation.

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我需要省察我的心不被焦虑所困。My mind needs a guard to keep out anxiety.

这是一种永久的自我省察。It is a kind of permanent self-examination.

这确实是西尼卡自我省察的方式。That is exactly the Senecan style of self-examination.

省察内心的时间要短,最多不要超过一分钟。The mind-searching period should be short, a minute at most.

良心的省察开始于这种信件写作。The examination of conscience begins with this letter writing.

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剖析和省察我们的消极性有时候并不能降低其程度。Sometimes if we analyze and examine our own negativity it does nothing to reduce it.

值得注意的是,这种自我省察在基督教的记载中甚为少见。It also important to note that this self-examination is rare in Christian literature.

神希望用我们去向他人传播祂的爱和怜悯省察神在你生命中的工作。He wants to use us to reach others with His love and mercy. Watch what God is doing in your life.

今天练习之前省察内心的那一分钟内,最好闭起眼睛进行。The minute or so of mind searching which today's exercises require is to be undertaken with eyes closed.

最后我们对他的人权观放在当前的人权思潮下有何得失进行省察。And finally we examine the merits of Xu's ideas on human rights from the perspective of current thoughts.

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“冥想—放松—自我省察”是找到你内在无意识信念系统的最强大方法之一。Meditation—Relaxed—Self Examination-is one of the strongest ways to get in touch with your unconscious beliefs.

所以,这个月份,让我们齐来深入自己的内心,省察我们的内在生命,并求神保守我们的心。So let's reach way inside this month to check out our inner life. Let's also ask for God's help in guarding it.

此外,建议你练习五次,每次的内心省察都不超过一分钟光景。In addition, five practice periods are recommended, each involving no more than a minute or so of mind searching.

这封信描述了良心的省察,强调你的行为,未必是你的思想。The letter is the transcription of that examination of conscience. It stresses what you did, not what you thought.

每个月省察自己的人生目标,保证每天的进程都是朝向这个人生目标。Examine and revise your lifetime goals on a monthly basis and be sure to include progress towards those goals on a daily basis.

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此种独特的理论省察实际上与穆木天本人的边缘文化身份焦虑密切相关。This distinctive theoretical awareness is closely associated with the identity anxiety of MU Mu-tian as a frontier intellectual.

愿神今天唤醒我们的心,帮助我们省察自己是否用心灵和真理来敬拜祂。究竟有甚麽可能阻碍祂在我们里面和祂要透过我们做的工作呢?May God quicken our conscience today and help us to see how real our worship is or what may be hindering His work in and through us.

这练习一如先前,包括了省察内心所有可能找到的念头,不加选择,不作判断。The exercises consist, as before, in searching your mind for all the thoughts that are available to you, without selection or judgment.