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红色男爵比萨?Red Baron pizza?

这位是施奈德男爵夫人。This is Baroness Schneider.

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他称马吕斯为男爵先生。He called Marius, "M. le Baron."

他于1715年被封为准男爵。He was created a baronet in 1715.

吉勒先生,你好,男爵夫人。Good evening, herr zeller. Baroness.

你是温尔顿男爵的朋友吗?Are you a friend of Baron Wendleton's?

公爵,伯爵和男爵都是贵旅。Duckes, earls, and barons are all lords.

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公爵,伯爵和男爵都是贵族。Dukes , earls, and barons are all lords.

吉勒先生,你好,男爵夫人。Captain. Herr zeller. Baroness schraeder.

我们大多数人并不渴望强盗男爵。Most of us do not aspire to robber barony.

这是男爵夫人的私房。This is Madame de Rothschild's private room.

佐佛来男爵却不以为有什么荒唐的地方。Sir Geoffrey would have none of the absurdity.

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以共和为男爵爵位的调味品。The Republic makes a good sauce for the barony.

有一次,我送一封信给一个男爵,他便是这样的。I once carried a letter to a baron of that sort.

你还负责了萨夏男爵科恩的安全工作。You’ve also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen.

他知道彭眉胥男爵夫人就是珂赛特。He knew that Madame la Baronne Pontmercy was Cosette.

他被提升为贵族,受男爵的头衔。He was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron.

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她正猛追瑞典男爵以得到贵族头衔。She's going after the Swedish baron to win the title.

男爵们照斯蒂芬?兰顿的指导宣了誓。The barons took the oath which Stephen Langton prescribed.

罗伯特的祖父曾在战后被授予从男爵爵位。Robert's grandfather was given the baronetcy after the war.