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我太紧张了。我害怕我会失利。I'm too nervous. I'm afraid I'll fail.

球队为他们的失利而哀叹。The team were wailing over their defeat.

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乔在与莫利的辩论中失利。Joe got the worst of the argument with Molly.

“我们正在节节失利”,约翰·詹德尔斯指出。We're losing it", John Janders pointed out ."

这是因为谷歌在北电专利竞购上的失利仅仅是个开始。Because the Nortel loss was just the beginning.

去接受单身是一种胜利,而非一场失利。Accepting singleness is a victory, not a defeat.

我们必须正视我们恳比赛失利这一事实。We must face the fact that we might lose the game.

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10月份时中国信托投标南山失利。Chinatrust failed in a bid for Nan Shan in October.

对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat.

他在这次羽毛球比赛中失利了。He was behind the eigth ball in the badminton match.

他的妄自尊大突然间因这次意想不到的失利而被损伤。His unexpected failure punctured his self-importance.

我第一次面试失利的原因就有可能在于此。My first interview might have failed because of this.

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把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts.

他在比赛中的失利只是塞翁失马。His fail in the match was just a blessing in disguise.

雨果·查韦斯在一次公民复决中失利。Hugo Chavez's defeated in a constitutional referendum.

如果你失利了,你考虑参加慈善的入场赛吗?If you missed out, are you considering a charity entry?

菲奥莉娜女士去年曾竞选参议员失利。Ms Fiorina ran unsuccessfully for the Senate last year.

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安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout.

即使面试一时失利,也不要以一次失败论英雄。Even if you fail in the interview, don't take it serious.

杰克逊说,“而他说‘没有,失利并不会影响我们和我们的目标。He said, ' Naw , it's not going to affect us, what we do.