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我们要扣留你的车辆。We'll need to impound your car.

这一次,没有人员死亡或者被扣留。No one was killed or captured this time.

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我的密使一定会被扣留。My emissaries would certainly be detained.

警察把那名嫌疑犯扣留在边境。The police detained the suspect at the border.

语言史前史不需要扣留我们。The prehistory of languages need not detain us.

找到那个缠着绷带的光头男人并扣留他!Find the bald guy with the sling and detain him!

外交邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.

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准时吗?“”贵公司会扣留多少天工资呢?How many days salary will garnishee in your company?

她的父亲在他被扣留的牙科设备。Her father made dental devices during his detainment.

警察扣留了几个嫌疑犯问话。The police detained several suspects for questioning.

我必须开罚单给你,并且扣留你的车子。I'll need to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle.

第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10 The consular bag shall not be opened or detained.

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如果检验结果呈阴性,可以解除对所怀疑畜群的扣留。If the STOP is negative, then the suspect herd can be released.

日方扣留中方船长是双方紧张局势升级。Tensions had escalated since Japan detained the Chinese captain.

于是当天晚上警方便将丽丽的父亲扣留。So the same evening the police detained the father of Li-Li then.

第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10. The consular bag shall be neither opened nor detained.

安全官员立马冲进主通道,扣留了该名女子。Security officials rushed down the main aisle to detain the woman.

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当小孩看存折时,必须显示“扣留”的存款。The "held" deposits must be displayed when kids view their passbooks.

在沙漠中的围地,泰瑞试图从被扣留的小木屋“监牢”中找到一条逃跑的出路。At the desert compound Teri tries to find an escape from the cabin prison.

扣留资金的利息会被累加,即使还不能动用这些钱。Interest accumulates on held funds, even if these funds are not accessible.