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万岁!这是本学期在学校的最后一天了。It's the last day of school.

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不过我没赶上这班,所以这学期才上。So I’m taking it this semester.

学期的班干部竞选也开始了。The class cadre campaign began.

这学期他没有给学生不及格。He failed no students this term.

我这学期每科都过了。I got an all-pass this semester.

为时整学期的专题和论文。Semester-long project and paper.

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学期将在七月初竣事。The term will end early in July.

你这学期教什么课?What are you teaching this term?

你将要在这学期后毕业是吗?And you graduate after this term?

这学期来他大部分时间在闹病。He has been ill most of the term.

自从上学期以来他就不曾补考过。He has not resat since last term.

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黄红是这个学期来的新同学。Huang Hong is a new student here.

这差不多就是本学期的内容。So that's basically the semester.

我们等这学期期结束后再搬。We'll move after the school term.

这学期他有三门副修科目。He had three minors this semester.

我还要在澳大利亚治理学院念一个学期。I have one term remaining at AGSM.

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我将在本学期担任各位的导师。I will be your lecturer this term.

而在这学期,我们可被她气死了。But now, we are very angry with her.

这学期课程什么时候开始?When do courses begin this semester?