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明天再见!See yor tomorrow.

考试?明天?噢噢!Exam Tomorrow Oh-oh!

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希望明天的抢听会也会很欢乐。Hope it'll be fun too.

明天起我就改。I'll give up tomorrow.

今天,明天,永远。Today, tomorrow, ever.

明天还是一个谜。Tomorrow is a mistery.

“明天,”我回答。“Tomorrow,” I replied.

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明天我要嫁给你。LRC_I Love You My Baby.

明天会是新的一天的!Torrow is a nother day!

而明天,已经永不回还。And tomorrow never came.

明天是个好天吧。It'll be sunny tomorrow.

明天是另外的一天。Tommorow is another day.

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明天的才算数。Tomorrow is what counts.

我们明天再问他吧。We can ask him tomorrow.

我们明天晚上还干活儿。We work to-morrow night.

请明天按时到这儿来。Be here tomorrow on time.

明天是他的生日。Tomorrow is his birthday.

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明天就是芈教师节了。Tomorrw is Teachers' Day.

星期二,那是明天?Tuesday. That's tomorrow?

我们明天中午开船。We sail at noon tomorrow.