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你要从底层做起,一步一个脚印走向成功的顶峰。You start at the bottom and you work your way to the top.

梦想,可以天花乱坠,理想,是我们一步一个脚印踩出来的坎坷道路。Dream, can, ideal, is our one step a footprint on the bumpy road.

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总的来讲,我想要冷静对待着即将到来的第一场比赛,一步一个脚印。Above all, I want to approach this first race calmly , one step at a time.

你一步一个脚印的为此工作,每一步都是为了实现目标。You work on them one step at a time and you work with purpose in every step.

一步一个脚印,商业诚信是企业成长的北斗星。One step at a time, business integrity is a business growth of the Big Dipper.

终点线是已经预设的,而且你需要一步一个脚印的前进。The finish line is already predetermined. And you make progress one step at a time.

给我一份蓝图,我就会出发,一步一个脚印,直到抵达目的地。Give me a map and I’ll plod along, one foot in front of the other, until we reach our destination.

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我不可能一步登天,但是我可以一步一个脚印永不放弃。I can not reach the sky in a single bound, but I can make every step leaves its print and never give up.

我们的目标是,一步一个脚印,把每款产品都做成精品,让HIFI走进寻常百姓的生活中。Our goal is to move step by step, to each product made of fine, let HIFI into the lives of ordinary people.

摩羯座的人也很实际,做事一步一个脚印,并尽可能的做到现实与务实。Capricorns are practical as well, taking things one step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible.

做人要脚踏实地。一步一个脚印。不要报有侥幸的心理。One should work steadily and make solid progresses as every step leaves its print instead of having aleatory mentality.

我就是这样在她的帮助下,也和她一起一步一个脚印地研究下来的,包括我们共同写那些论文和专著。I was so with the help of her, and her step by step down the study, including those of our common writing papers and monographs.

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毕业于南京艺术学院金属工艺与首饰设计专业,04年从事珠宝设计至今,许二建一步一个脚印实现着自己的设计梦想。Graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute, where he studies design of metal craft and jewelry, He engages in jewelry designing since 2004.

在微马所有员工的努力下,在各界同行的支持下,在所有客户的帮助下,微马正在一步一个脚印地打造着WM品牌。With all of the efforts of the staff , many enterprises peer supports and all the customer's helps , WEMA is to build step by step the WM brand.

四十多年来,山东体操事业是在一代代山东体操人的努力下,一步一个脚印、扎扎实实地走出来的。Over the past 44 years, Shandong gymnastics is the cause of generation after generation in the efforts of Shandong gymnastics, step-by-step, out of the solid.

他走着自己的路,撇下名利,无惧青春,他要的就是一步一个脚印的踏实感。He follows his own thoughts as he walks on, disregarding fame and money, unwary of the passage of his youth, he wants to make it step by step with a firm foundation.

研制可以打到北美大陆的导弹必须要一步一个脚印地进行,1963年,五院取消了洲际版本的东风3研制计划。Developing a missile capable of reaching North America would have to be accomplished step by step, and in 1963 the Fifth Academy canceled the ICBM version of the DF-3.

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我们正在寻求可靠的、一步一个脚印的方法来重建失去的信任,我不认为在这方面欧洲债券有什么帮助。are looking at real, realistic step-by-step measures that we can use to gain back the trust that has been lost, and I do not think that euro bonds would help us in this."It's

对她来说,想要获得赞许,想要得到认可,都得靠自己踏踏实实,一步一个脚印地不断奋斗攀爬。Want to be endorsed to her, want to get applause, have to rely aboard oneself to step dependably and really, the one step a footprint ground continuously skirmishes to ascend.

德博仕公司坚持以人为本技术领先的发展思想,从小到大,从弱到强,一步一个脚印发展壮大起来。Deboshi Company insists to the development ideas of people-oriented and technology leading, we have developed and grown up from small to large, from weak to strong, step by step.