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噗嗤,小贼破涕为笑。Burst Chi, the little thief laughs via tears.

听完我的话,她破涕为笑。Hearing what I said, she smiled away her tears.

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我才破涕为笑,稍感释怀的。I just smile through tears, slightly feeling go.

她不禁破涕为笑。She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.

看到这个,她破涕为笑了。She turned tears into laughter when she saw this.

当她看到小丑演出时,破涕为笑。When she saw the clowns, her tears gave way to laughter.

世上最美的,莫过于冲泪水中破涕为笑。Here's nothing more beautiful than a smile through tears.

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他见如愿以偿之后,就立刻破涕为笑。He have got one's wish after, immediately smile through tears.

我也许不能让你破涕为笑,但我可以陪你一起在泪水中沉沦。I don't promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you.

你们应该为此而欢喜快乐!」你有过这种破涕为笑的经验吗?Therefore you ought to be happy and joyful' Do you know that feeling?

哭泣的女孩看到小丑时破涕为笑。When she saw the clowns, the little girl's tears gave way to laughter.

我竟破涕为笑,是蒙娜丽莎的微笑给了我无穷的力量。I smile through tears, is the Mona Lisa smile gave me endless strength.

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我听了恍然大悟,终于破涕为笑!I listened to came to understand it, and finally breaks through his tears!

姑娘抬起头来看了看。她开始破涕为笑。The girl looked up . In place of tears, there was the beginning of a smile.

在家里当孩子哭了我们有什么办法能让他破涕为笑呢?When the baby starts to cry the family try all they can to make him smile again.

他帮道把本子重新整理好,看着完好如新的本子,道破涕为笑。He helped the book rearrange good ways, looking as good as new book, way to laughter.

当他们后来敢于这么做,起先是偷偷地、后来则是完全公开地相互对现时,他们不禁破涕为笑。When they finally did dare it, at first with stolen glances then candid ones, they had to smile.

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小时候,我哭闹时,大人们给什么都不管用,后来爸爸给了我一本书我便破涕为笑了。As a child, I cry, no matter use what all adults to, then dad gave me a book I will smile through tears.

黄母吃媳妇的醋,高飞察觉,要黄成去好好哄母亲,黄母这才破涕为笑。Yellow mother eat daughter-in-law of vinegar, goofy, Huang Cheng to coax her mother well, yellow mother smile through tears.

我坐在房间里,一会儿哭,一会儿破涕为笑,衣裙上滴上了点点泪迹,连用纸巾去檫掉都懒得动。I sit there, half-crying, half-laughing, letting a pool of wet tears gather on my skirt and not even bothering to wipe it away.