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我需要很多个引号,好。Where x and y are floats.

注意两遍的引号。Notice the quotes around it.

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属性值必须加引号。Attribute values must be quoted.

不要忘记其中的空格和引号。Do not forget the spaces and quotes.

不要使用引号来加强语气。Do not use quote marks for emphseeing asis.

一个引号所以有个语法错误。I see. Because I've got a quote in a quote.

我给“桌面”一词加引号,是有充足理由的。I use quotes around “desktop” with good reason.

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所以引号代笔了人类的声音。So all the quotation marks suggest human voice.

他们前后的引号造成了这种不同。The quotes are around them to make that distinction.

给我写个有引号的句子,我就告诉你答案。Show me your quotation marks And I’ll tell you which.

三引号字符串可以扩展到多个行。Triple-quoted strings can extend over multiple lines.

在电子信箱位址上,引号不被允许的。A quotation mark is not acceptable in an email address.

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大小括号和引号的自动插入与包围Braces, brackets & quotes auto-insertion and surrounding

用户名/密码必须在引号中指定。Username and password have to be specified in quotation marks.

在此例中,第一个被匹配的引号就由1代表。The first matched quote, in this case, will be held by the variable \1.

如果您需要在别名中使用引号,那么可以使用双引号。If you need quotation marks inside the alias, use double quotation marks.

不要用引号,双引号或者其他叙述工具来把包袱抖出来。Don't call it out with quotes, parenthesis, or any other narrative device.

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该方法具有一个使用引号括起来的字符串参数和一个代码块。The method takes a string parameter, enclosed in quotes, and a code block.

如果您需要在值中包括空白,请将其括在引号中。If you need to include white space in a value, enclose it in quotation marks.

对于脚本命令,通配符参数应始终用引号括起来。Concerning the script commands, wildcarded parameters should always be quoted.