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你该怎样与这群像家人一样共事了超过22年的同事告别呢?How do you say goodbye to the people that had become family over 22 years?

这位艺术家因拍摄时常令人震惊的裸体群像而闻名。The artist is well known for his sometimes startling images of nude people.

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市中心广场的英雄群像的雕塑显示了高超的艺术。The sculpture of a group of heroes in the centre of the city square shows a master hand.

例如,抑郁症是否能使中年人群像年长者一样肥胖?For example, can depression fatten the "middles" ofmiddle-aged people as well as of seniors?

在这些人物群像中也不乏很多有着怪异行为和性格的人物。Images of these figures is also no shortage of bizarre behavior and personality has a lot of character.

这些照片齐聚一堂,不但显示卡蒂埃·布列松的题材广泛,还展现了他拍摄群像的才能。The juxtaposition of these images shows not just Cartier-Bresson’s range but also his gift for group portraits.

更多的象群像幽灵般到来,似乎看不到尽头,它们静静地从岸上的灌木丛走入水中。Seemingly endless herds continued to arrive, like phantoms, mutely making their way from the brush to the water.

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特殊人群像婴幼儿和孕妇使用蚊香要特别小心。These two reasons cause the pregnant woman to compare its the other people change to annoy the mosquito "the patronage".

背面主景图案为古希腊雕塑“掷铁饼者”、运动员群像图案及“2008”字样。King on the back of the main features of the ancient Greek sculpture "discus throw, " Images athletes pattern and "2008".

特殊人群像婴幼儿和孕妇使用蚊香要特别小心。The special crowd likely babies and infants and the pregnant woman use the mosquito-repellent incense to be specially careful.

这些构成导线的纤束蛋白可使电子在其中来回穿梭,从而将整个细菌群像一个超生物体一般的连接起来。These fine protein filaments could shuttle electrons back and forth, allowing communities of bacteria to act as one super-organism.

韩剧以风格各异的女性群像演绎着诗意性生活、诗意性爱情、诗意性文化的叙事模式,为文化走廊建构了别样的女性形象。In Korean TV series, a variety of female characters live a poetic life, which creates a series of unique female images on the screen.

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新感觉派作家塑造的“热女”群像是中国现代文学中女性人物的特殊类型。Group image of "hot baby"characterized by the writers of new-sense group is the new woman -character type in moden Chinese literature.

1976年5月这部作品获第十九届群像新人文学奖,7月被授予第七十五届芥川奖。This novel awarded the 19th New group portrait prize for literature in May, 1976, and the 75th Akutagawa Prize for Literature in July.

特伟林答应志工他会延续这份大爱,他也向这群像是家人的师姑道别。Promising volunteers that he will continue this cycle of love, Htet Wai Lin bids farewell to the aunties who have already become like family.

你最好还是跟那个连“是”和“不”都不会说的傻子在一起生活吧,并且抚养一大群像她那样说话拐弯抹角的傻孩子。You'd rather live with that silly fool who can't speak except to say "yes" and "no" and raise a passel of mealy -mouthed brats just like her.

第三章具体分析路翎作品中的底层英雄群像,其中又分为正面意义的英雄与畸变、异化的“英雄”两类。In chapter three, it will mainly deal with the understratum heroes in Lulings creation which is divided into positive and dissimilated heroes.

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作者运用现实主义、存在主义和异化理论,从社会的各个层面,塑造了现代美国黑人的群像。With symbolism, existentialism, and theory of alienation, Ellison creates a group of modern African-American figures of various social strata.

比如,他选择雇佣加莫人作自己的打手时,必须遵照加莫人的传统,在格斗中打赢这群像猪一样的战士。For instance, when he chose to hire Gamorreans as his enforcers, he had to follow Gamorrean tradition and best the pig-like warriors in combat.

纪念钞的另一面为古希腊著名大理石雕塑“掷铁饼者”,运动员群像图案及阿拉伯数字“2008”字样。The other side features the famous ancient Greek marble statue of a discus-thrower, Discobolus, portraits of athletes and the Arabic numeral "2008".