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棍状TNT炸药被用作雷管。TNT sticks are used as detonators.

警方后来找到了这根遥控雷管。The police later found the detonator.

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抱歉,我必须拆掉这颗炸弹的雷管。Excuse me, I have to defuse this bomb.

安全型长延期导爆管雷管。Safety Long-time Delay Shock-tube Detonator.

我们往里面填满炸药,然后装上一根雷管。We stuff explosive inside, then a detonator.

然后便由人类接手,拆去雷管并移除地雷。After this human beings take over and defuse and remove the mine.

一种雷酸盐,干燥时撞击或加热会猛烈爆炸,用于炸药、雷管等。An explosive salt of fulminic acid especially fulminate of mercury.

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炸药和雷管严禁同车运送。It is prohibited delivering explosives and detonators in same wagon.

那边的小屋里有一箱起爆雷管,当心点儿。There is a box of blasting caps in the shed over there, so be careful.

在检测雷管延期时间的同时,还能够进行铅板穿孔试验。In addition, the system can be used to carry out leading perforation test.

对矿用雷管发火可靠度进行了研究。Investigations are conducted on the firing reliability of mining detonators.

他嘴咬雷管炸掉了自己的头,而免除了绞刑。He outwitted the gallows by biting a percussion cap and blowing off his head.

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对包装件中雷管的防殉爆问题进行了分析。Antisympathetic detonation of detonators in package is analyzed in this paper.

该装置彻底地消除了雷管卡口工序过程中存在的安全隐患。This device eliminates potential safety hazard existing in the crimping operation.

伊维特把雷管递给了他,然后把准备连接在定时装置上的电线放出。Yvette handed him detonators and played out wire to be connected to timing devices.

雷管一种稀少的金属套,具有火药或其它爆炸物,在受撞击时爆炸。A thin metal cap containing gunpowder or another detonator that explodes on being struck.

鱼雷管也能用来发射中国本国的YJ-82反舰导弹。The torpedo tubes can also be used to launch Chinese indigenous YJ-82 anti-ship missiles.

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可配置的雷管回应,普遍,一个广播地址或信号。The detonators can be configured to respond, universally, to a broadcast address or signal.

枪头内部设有空腔,为方便雷管与导爆索之间的连接。There is a cavum in the hammerhead for the connection of detonator and the detonating cord.

此外,还发现一个藏有2030支适用于122mm火箭和其他火箭部件的雷管的隐蔽处。Also uncovered was a cache of 2, 030 detonators for 122mm rockets and other rocket components.