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我们的角色是什么?What is our role?

什么是用户角色?What is a persona?

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角色与资源。Roles and resources.

电影中角色分配不当。The film is miscast.

性别角色替换?Shifting gender roles?

我扮演教授的角色。In my role as professor.

这些角色是相关的。These roles are related.

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他们担任什么角色?What roles do they play?

她觉得能演好这个角色。She feels up to her role.

一个挪威漫画角色。A Norwegian cartoon, Nemi.

狂战士,游戏角色。Berserker, game character.

我们启初角色扮演游戏。Let's start the role play.

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模型角色和资源。Model roles and resources.

麝香猫扮演两个角色。The civets play two roles.

但是还是要取决于角色。But it depends on the role.

他的角色被演得出神入化。He acted his part to a tee.

你的角色是一个经常爱抱怨的人么?Is your character a grouch?

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对于每个角色,我重复它。I repeat that for each role.

你的角色要做什么?What does your character do?

这是他们所代表的角色。It's the role they represent.