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但如果我说一个词组,“我看到呢?“But what if I had the phrase, "I see"?

是否可以删掉一些多余的词组?Can you cut out any redundant phrases?

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精彩的一个词组,“去“,什么意思?A wonderful phrase, "to go," meaning what?

因此,在这个词组中,最后一个词变成了复数形式。So the last word in the group is pluralised.

你也同样可以教会其识别新的单词和词组。You can also teach it new words and phrases.

避免用一个词组或一首歌名的首字母。The first letter of a phrase or song refrain.

除此之外,幻灯片上应只有关键词组。Besides, a slide should hold only key phrases.

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在这里,我学到了很多词组和俚语。I learned many new expressions and slangs here.

学生认读词组,齐读、分组认读。S. Read the words together, in groups, in rows.

“A-OK”这词组是代表情况令人满意。The expression A-OK means the situation is fine.

在泰语词组中,“吃饭”则要翻译为“吃米”。The Thai phrase "to eat" translates as "eat rice."

请选出每题里你所听到的词或词组。Listen and choose the words or expressions you hear.

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有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.

添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。Add an adverb or adverb phrase, or prepositional phrase.

同位词组为修饰词语的名词或代名词。Appositive phrases are nouns or pronouns with modifiers.

莪用个个词组来修饰那些隐藏悳残缺。I use a word to come to polish defectiveness concealing.

它快速,硬币和良好的使用词组,它的愤怒。It's fast, and to coin a well-used phrase, it's furious.

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这词组回顾了发生在1850年的一次军队的危险做法。The phrase recollects a dangerous army practice in the 1850s.

这就是本词组含义中“免费”的部分,意思就是“不用花一分钱”。This is the “gratis” part of the phrase meaning “at no cost”.

主语是句子所关涉的人或事物,其后加动词词组。The subject is the person or thing that the sentence is about.