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那么,中国眼下应该怎样做呢?So what should Beijing be doing now?

这是一场曾经的美梦,还是眼下的噩梦?Was it a dream or is it a nightmare?

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但已好景不再,至少眼下是这样。Not anymore , at least not right now.

这骑士像眼下就放在索尼埃的办公桌上!The knight sitting on Saunière's desk!

眼下,小布什的优势已经缩小到了154票。Bush’s margin was now down to 154 votes.

眼下奥巴马面临着他的Patco时刻了。Now Barack Obama faces his Patco moment.

我会只是好好品味我眼下拥有的事物。I’ll just enjoy what I have here for now.

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可眼下是我女儿需要买辆车子。But the fact was, my daughter needed a car.

眼下,我的妻子和朋友们正在航海。Right now, my wife and friends are sailing.

眼下公司缺少现钱。The company is short of cash at the moment.

宝宝这几天左眼下眼皮红。Baby red eyes these days under his left eye.

眼下是奥巴马总统任期的第130天。It is the 130th day of the Obama presidency.

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眼下,朦胧的冲浪中忽出忽进的是种猪。Now boars rush in and out of the dusky surf.

眼下时尚趋向于穿着随便。Today's trend is toward less formal clothing.

可是眼下,他恐怕还没来得及准备好开场白呢。But he ain’t had time to get good started yet.

不知道眼下谈对您是否合适?I was wondering if it would suit you right now?

眼下一个农学专业的毕业生能找到什么样的工作呢?What kind of a job can an aggie get these days?

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但眼下不要抛掉你持有的股票。But don't liquidate your stock holdings just yet.

但在眼下,一个象征性的时刻即将出现。But for now, a symbolic moment is about to occur.

眼下,请为新经济系统而精神一振!So for now, brace yourselves for the new Economy!