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再大的困难也不在话下。No difficulty amounts to much.

扣眼长流苏不在话下封闭。Grommet cinch closure with long tassels.

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他能说西班牙文,英语就更不在话下了。He can speak Spanish, let alone English.

他认为我们这些人全不在话下。He thinks the rest of us are beneath his notice.

几个月前,我慢跑根本不在话下。A few months ago. I could jog with-out any problem.

开跑车、摆弄割草机、开滑雪缆车都不在话下。Can handle a sports car, a sit-on mower and a ski lift.

有了团队精神,屡屡得分便不在话下了。If there's spirit, the scoreboard takes care of itself.

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直到几周前,经济动荡似乎还不在话下。Until recent weeks, the economic troubles seemed surmountable. Mr.

就算迷乱被抓到这么难以接近的地方,想找到他也不在话下!Leave it to Frenzy to get caught in the most unobtainable of places!

我喜欢它们看上去老气的感觉,超级舒适更不在话下。I love the “old man” look, notto mention they look super comfortable.

我在想偷偷进入一栋楼对你来说应该不在话下吧?I'm thinking, breaking into a building isn't too far outside your wheelhouse.

三个人就更不在话下,因为三股合成的绳子不容易被扯断。Three people are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

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我自小就在英格兰长大,对足球可以说是耳濡目染,这女子足球就更不在话下。I had grown up in England and was genetically pre-conditioned to hate women’s soccer.

借助男性白人的支持,他在白人中斩获颇丰,非裔自是不在话下。He did well among whites, thanks to his support from white men. He won African-Americans.

你只需要很少的投资,严谨的态度,挣得10万美元不在话下。With only modest investments and a well-disciplined attitude, you could easily have 100,000.

而坏血病就是由于缺乏维他命而导致的,会引起皮疹,牙周病的症状,口臭就更不在话下。Without the vitamin, scurvy would bring on rashes and gum disease, not to mention very bad breath.

我在家承担了全部家务,刷墙砌砖都不在话下。At home I do all the housework by myself. I paint the walls and fit tiles," said defender Ndzovela.

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毫无疑问,外线的大个子对他来说只是小菜一碟,现在他对他们越来越不在话下了。He obviously doesn't have much of a problem with perimeter bigs, and those are more and more common now.

作为杂食者,除开人类之外,其它所有我们能吃的生命都不在话下。这种自由,在很多方面限制了其他生命的自由。Our freedom as omnivores to eat almost any non-human being we'd like limits others' freedom in many ways.

这对小猪来说,当然不在话下,都没什么发挥的空间,有点小失落,嘿嘿。These are pieces of cake to Yue, of course, no space to do some special effort, I felt a little bit lost, hehe.