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解决工作中遇到的问题,比如外汇核销、结汇、出口退汇,信用证等。When Assigning a right to use land which was paid for in foreign exchange , settlement.

目前我国外汇储备没有大规模调回并结汇的需要。Currently no large-scale repatriation of foreign exchange reserves and foreign exchange needs.

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保税区,边检,商检,结汇银行,船务市场。Free Trade Zone, Frontier Inspection, commodity inspection, Payment Settling Bank, Shipping Market.

我的亲生母亲是一个年轻的没有结汇棠大学毕业生。My biological mother was a young unwed college graduate student and she decided to put me up for adoption.

出口提单可在芜湖直接签发,安全迅速,便捷货主结汇。Export bill of lading can be issued directly in Wuhu, security, rapid, convenient owner of foreign exchange.

该系统的强制性结汇对外汇的增长作出了重大贡献。The system of compulsory exchange settlement and sales contributes greatly to the growth of foreign exchange.

我们使用不可撤消的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方法。Payment by L C is a favorable method of payment because the exporter has bank's promise to pay for the goods shipped.

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绿城于今年6月高价拿下D1地块后,至今未能按时结汇,已反映出限外政策开始发力。Green City on June expensive scored D1 plot, so far failing to foreign exchange, reflects the limitations of the policy began.

如兑换人民币,结汇后的外汇资金应按规定向中国人民银行经济特区分行移存。The foreign exchange funds received by the payee bank shall be transferred to the SEZ branch if they are converted into Renminbi.

第二条对个人结汇和境内个人购汇实行年度总额管理。Article 2 The administration of total annual amount shall apply to individual settlement and domestic individual purchase of foreign exchange.

第二十八条对外贸易经营者在对外贸易经营活动中,应当依照国家有关规定结汇、用汇。Article 28 In undertakings of foreign trade, foreign exchange should be appropriately cleared and used according to the relevant provisions of the State.

独立负责家具五金制品在中南欧,中东地区的外销及订单跟进,负责船务报关结汇等外贸实务。Products Sales&Marketing, follow up foreign orders, take charge of the export affairs such as Shipping, and Documents, Customs Declaration & Clearance etc.

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并在借鉴国外比较成熟的规避汇率风险的金融业务和外贸实务基础之上,给出对于我国中小型外贸企业结汇的几点建议。And on the basis of the abroad quite abundant finance and foreign trade practice, the author puts forward several suggestions about how to avoid foreign exchange risk.

斯坦福大学可在投资前10个工作日内将所需外汇资金结汇转入人民币特殊账户。Stanford University may transfer the required capital of foreign exchange into the special RMB account through exchange settlement 10 workdays before it conducts investment.

外商投资企业向银行申请资本金结汇,事先应当经会计师事务所办理资本金验资。I. Where a foreign-funded enterprise applies to a bank for settlement of foreign currency capital, it shall, in advance, handle the capital verification in an accounting firm.

第二十八条对外贸易经营者在对外贸易经营活动中,应当依照国家有关规定结汇、用汇。Article 28 Foreign trade operators shall, in their foreign trade activities, use, or settle their accounts of, foreign currency in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.

银行为外商投资企业办理资本金结汇的累计金额不得超过该外商投资企业资本金的累计验资金额。The accumulative amount of capital settled by a bank for a foreign-funded enterprise shall not exceed the accumulative amount of verified capital of the said foreign-funded enterprise.

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银行为外商投资企业打点资本金结汇的累计金额不得超过该外商投资企业资本金的累计验资金额。Bank shall not permit the accumulative amount of Capital exchange settlement for a foreign-invested enterprise to exceed the accumulative verification amount of the enterprise's Capital.