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我现在能把“织布歌”全弹下来了。I can play "Spinning Song" quite well now.

这种线圈结构让针织布比梭织布更有弹性。None of these fabrics is woven or knitted.

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里奇·德拉诺是竹制纺织品公司的创办者,他自称是第一个用竹子织布的人。Rich Delano is founder of Bamboo Textiles.

耐磨性,较高密织布网状物。Abrasion-resistant, tight-weave mesh upper.

薄织的麻布是细密地编织成的棉织布。Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave.

薄织的麻布是一种细密地编织成的棉织布。Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave.

一个是卧室,另一个是织布室One is the bedroom and the other is the loom.

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这些女士们竟然在织布What these ladies are doing is weaving cloth.

机器印花用白糊,平织布专用。A white binder for level cloths auto-printing.

唧唧唧唧,木兰对着门在织布。Chirp chirp, magnolia facing the door weaving.

这里曾经有一个织布厂。There is also a manufactory here for bolting cloth.

针对针织布捲边而特别设计。Specially designed for needle to needle weaving curl.

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大约成立于200年,发展成为一个织布中心。It was founded c. 200 and grew as a cloth-weaving center.

是远近闻名的“织布之乡、”“绗缝之乡”。The town has got its names like Weaving Town and Sewing Town.

珍妮机的呈现,使大范围的织布厂得以树立。Jennifer machine can enable large-scale weaving factory to build.

莱卡弹力机织布,已成为服饰行业中的一个新宠。Laca elastic woven cloth has become a new favorite in dress trade.

织布使用纬纱的色彩创造的个别地区。A weaver uses the weft threads to create individual areas of color.

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色织布,泡泡布,法兰绒,牛津纺。Yarn dyed fabric, seersucker fabric, flannel fabric, oxford fabric.

我们有一个新的供应商的手色织布所谓的影像加。We have a new supplier of hand dyed fabric called Picture this Plus.

你织布,我耕地,今后的日子甜如蜜!You weave the cloth, I plant the land, the future is sweet as honey!