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什么是单轨火车?What is a monorail?

单轨小车是一种配套设备。Monorail trolley is a kind of ancillary facilities.

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在拉斯维加斯的单轨电车站,很多都是以赌场命名。Many of the stops on Las Vegas's monorail are named after casinos.

介绍了跨座式单轨列车的结构特点。The features of structure for the straddling monorail train are introduced.

您立刻就提到,那种老生常谈式的,男人的思维是单轨的,充满性“趣”的。You immediately address the stereotype that guys have one-track, sex-crazed minds.

独特的框架结构和室内单轨索道让它成为一个现代建筑杰作。Its unique a-frame design and indoor monorail station makes it a modern masterpiece.

我们乘的火车不时驶进单轨边上的支线,让其他列车通过。We kept pulling into sidings next to the single track to allow other trains to pass.

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重庆市跨坐式单轨交通系统是国家西部大开发的重点工程之一。Chongqing monorail system is one of the key projects in the development of west China.

那条单轨的铁路跨过死寂的盐滩,蜿蜒着进入了死寂的群山。The single-track railway crossed dead salt flats and twisted up toward dead mountains.

在“未来世界”有一列单轨火车供游人乘坐。在“太空山”里有一艘火箭船可以代你作一次幻想的太空旅行。Inside Space Mountain there is a rocket ship to take you on an imaginary trip through space.

最后,阐述了重庆市的城市轨道交通规划,举出了单轨交通跨座型车辆的一些主要参数。In the end expounded is the rail transit plan in Chongqing city and main parameters of Alweg vehicles.

跨座式单轨交通平移式道岔是针对重庆市单轨交通线路开发的一种新型道岔设备。Translational Switch in Straddle-Monorail is a new type of switch designed for Chongqing monorail line.

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钢筯混凝土构件及所有平台、楼梯、高架板及单轨。Steel and concrete structural components as well as all platforms, stairs, elevated slabs and monorails.

介绍了锚杆悬吊单轨条件下,对单轨吊车载荷进行现场测定的一种方法。This paper introduces under bolt hangs overhead monorail, overhead monorail Load is surveyed on-the-spot.

德国铁路公司已宣布将在所有单轨线路上安装自动刹车系统。Deutsche Bahn AG has announced that all single-track line will be installed in the automatic braking system.

有意思的是,一位迟到的年轻女听众轻声嘀咕说,她迟到的原因是因为“‘红线’在单轨运行”。Ironically, one young woman, arriving late, whispered that the reason was “single tracking on the Red Line.”

重庆市跨坐式单轨交通轨道梁铸钢支座的状况关系到整个单轨交通运行的安全性。The cast steel pedestal of Chongqing's light-rail bears great importance for the safety of the whole system.

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跨座式单轨交通在我国尚无先例,重庆跨座式单轨交通的建设在我国尚属首例。Cross-saddle single-track traffic system is under construction in Chongqing, which is unprecedented in China.

文章根据桥门式起重机轨道的工作状况及环境,开发了一种适于轨道检测的单轨机器人。A single-rail inspection robot is developed according to the work condition of bridge and trestle cranes rail.

九铁在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。The Kowloon-Canton Railway started operation in 1910 and was double-tracked and electrified in the early 1980s.