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你只能眼睁睁看他们死去。You are about to see them die.

再眼睁睁的看着它滚下来。And let it see roll back down again.

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我不能眼睁睁看着他哭成那样。I can't stand to see him cry like that.

我不能眼睁睁在水边渴死。I cannot die of thirst with water close by.

泽克西斯眼睁睁的看着他的战士溃败…Xerxes watched as his warriors were defeated.

你以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死吗?我会闭上眼睛的!Do you think I will watch you die? I'll close my eyes. !

眼睁睁看着你走远,你的身影消失在暗夜里。Looking you go ahead to the far and disappear in the dark.

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在这么多爱她的人中,你能眼睁睁看着她这样么?Can you, of allthe people who love her, bear to see her so?

你最后会眼睁睁的看着她和另一个人走了去的。You will eventually watch as she and another man left to go.

佐助眼睁睁的看着团藏逃跑了。Sasuke is looking at the fleeing Danzo and reaches his arm out.

教一个做母亲的人受那种眼睁睁的生离死别的苦痛,您觉得有什么可说的吗?What say you to that torture of Tantalus as applied to a mother?

我们毫无办法,眼睁睁地看着半年的粮食给毁掉了。Helpless, we watched half a year's food destroyed before our eyes.

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双方几经争夺,最后鳄鱼举手投降,眼睁睁地看着狮子把到手的猎物夺了回去。Finally, the croc concedes, and the lions get their prey on dry land.

眼睁睁看着自己的存款消失时我们怎么可能会轻松?How can people possibly be relaxed as we watch our savings disappear?

潘杜眼睁睁地看着他离去,心想自己应该说些什么。Pandu watched him go, thinking that he ought to say something to him.

你以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死?我会闭上眼睛的。Do you think I will sit and watch you die? I will close your eyes for.

筋疲力尽的加内特只能眼睁睁地从下面看着波什高高跃起。Garnett, tired and beaten, could only watch Bosh’s ascension from below.

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我们再也不能稳坐高堂,眼睁睁看着罪犯被释放出去再次危害他人。No longer can we sit back and watch criminals be released and then kill again.

你所能做的就是躺在床上,眼睁睁的望着天空,并且强迫自己不要睡着。All you can do is lie in bed, stare at the sky and force yourself to stay awake.

或者眼睁睁地看着一个机会与你擦肩而过,因为你已经竭尽全力了。Or seen an opportunity that you’ve had to pass by because you are just flat out?