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该电影将于7月7日在中国首映。It will open in China on July 7.

整个首映会在特拉法加广场举行的。And it was all in Trafalgar Square

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他的另一部新作马上要开战首映。He's got a new movie opening soon.

有许多新的片子要首映。There are many news films releases.

你要去电影首映会吗?Are you going to the movie premiere?

特别是首映会很宏大。And especially this premiere was huge.

刚刚首映釜山的获奖电影!A freshly premiered and awarded Pusan film!

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他的新电影本周在纽约首映。His new movie premiers in New York this week.

它们之中很多都是去年在威尼斯首映的。Many got their premieres at Venice last year.

这也是我们的鲜血首映混合系统。This is also the première of our blood-mix system.

我真的很想在首映那天看“星球大战”。I really want to watch "star wars" on the opening day.

我们来决定这次电影首映会的宾客名单吧。Let's decide on the guest list for the movie premiere.

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你感觉第二季的首映比起第一季来如何?How do you feel about the Season 2 premiere vs. Season 1?

那位著名的明星出现在那部电影的首映日。The famous star made an appearance at the movie premiere.

在举行试映会及VIP首映会同一家的电影院所举办的。It was the same theater where press & VIP premiere was held.

我想那是我见过的一次最大的首映会了。那太壮观了。I think it's the biggest premiere I've ever been to. It was amazing.

对于一部非续集性的影片,该片的全球首映也成为有史以来最成功的一次。It was the biggest international opening of all time for a non-sequel.

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福克斯是否会调整周末首映的预期?Does Fox try to adjust their predictions for the film's opening weekend?

担任男主角和女主角的演员都出席了首映会。The leading actor and the leading actress both showed up at the premier.

这档节目去年在江苏电视台首映,随后便有大批跟风模仿者。The show’s debut on Jiangsu TV last year prompted a number of imitators.