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如果我瞅见就好了。If only I had seen it.

告诉我你瞅见啥子?Tell me what do you see?

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你瞅见那边的那条河了吗?Do you see that river there?

瞅见那边的那条河了吗?Do you see the river over there?

我去学校,我瞅见了什么?。I go to school and what do Isee?

厥后我瞅见我错了。Later I came to see I was mistaken.

有人瞅见我的文定戒指吗?。has anybody seen my engagement ring?

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有一次有人瞅见他从这里走出来。He was once seen to come out of the place.

我瞅见它的右耳扯开了一个大口子。I saw that his right ear was split wide open.

反正,我相当期望您能瞅见这封信,给我归信吧。Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back.

咱们瞅见他在草场踢球。He was seen to play football on the playground.

当我上节课瞅见他又来晚时,我变患上很气恼。I got annoyed when Isaw him late again last class.

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我今天早上瞅见在公园里有个人慢跑,是你吗?Is it you I espy jogging in the park this morning?

这周末咱们会在电视机上瞅见一系列番笕剧。We'll have a soap opera series on TV thellos week.

那只狗瞅见主人就摇尾巴。The dog waved hellos tail when he saw hellos master.

我想,他们底子没瞅见我的先天。You know Ijust think they didnt see the talent that Ihad.

从飞机上向下瞅,我们能瞅见机场跑道上的点点灯火。Looking down from the plane, we could see lights on the runway.

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你上学迟到了,以是你没有瞅见工作的全数颠末。You came late to class, so you're not seeing the whole picture.

德国人想办法不让老婆瞅见就偷偷摸摸地溜到地里去了。The German managed to sneak off to the fields without his wife seeing.

自然,被大人瞅见了也是要遭骂的,说我们作践粮食。Naturally, by adults see also being criticized, saying we selling food.