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我只能看见他的背影。I could onlys his back.

人家有背景,我只有背影。They got backgrounds. I just got a back.

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来生,是否不会将背影相送?Afterlife, it will not be back of both hands?

和自由女神合影是必不可少的,哪怕是背影呢。Yeye posed with the back the Statue of Liberty.

我见到的只是他们的背影,还有那一片黄色的麦芒。I can see only their backs, there was a yellow awn.

那个杂种站在那儿,看着他的背影,自言自语地咕哝道。The half-breed stood looking after him. He muttered.

我节俭自己的背影,为夜幕配一把钥匙。My pliantive figure, makes a key for the veil of night.

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他走开以后,胖夫人追着他的背影气哼哼地叫道。The Fat Lady called grumpily after him as he walked away.

深夜难眠的背影下,有多少辛酸无奈的泪。The back of sleep at night, to how many bitter but tears.

在茫茫人海中,找着往日熟悉的背影。In the boundless huge crowd, find the old familiar figure.

农望着道远去的背影,脸上浮起了一丝笑容。Agriculture looking way is far of figure, musters a a smile.

我冲着他的背影在心里暗骂了无数个混蛋。I rushed his background in the heart Anma countless asshole.

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花香幽幽的,与她的背影融在一起,越发的浓烈。The faint scent , and her mixed background, the more strong.

麦琪奔跑着追赶哥哥们逐渐缩小的背影。Meggie followed the dwindling forms of her brothers at a run.

沵的背影、在硪脑海里卟停的徘徊。Multitudinous of the back, in stop porphyrin Wo mind wandering.

看着佳代子的背影,林振海缄默了。Watching beautiful generation son of figure, LinZhenHai silence.

这时我看见他的背影,我的泪很快地流下来了。While I was watching him from behind, tears gushed from my eyes.

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是这样一份亲近感让我喜欢注视你的背影吗?Is this intimacy feeling makes me interested in looking your back?

视着父疏起身合去的背影,儿子有些茫然。Looking at the father rose up and departed figure, son some vacant.

递上银子,笑着的看着衙役离开的背影。Pass silver, laughing seeing by Ya of the service leaves of figure.