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室外LED动产的迹象。与16毫米间距。Outdoor LED Movable Sign. with 16mm Pitch.

在我的机器设备上只有一项动产抵押。Only there's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment.

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动产转让是指属人动产的完全转让。An assignment is a total alienation of chattels personal.

第三部分分析了动产抵押效力的范围。The third part to analyze the scope of chattel mortgage effect.

第二部分研究了动产抵押标的物范围。The second part is about the subject matter of Chattel Mortgage.

他在法国留下一笔动产,但未立遗嘱。He left a movable property in France, but he did not make a will.

政府征收不动产和动产税。The government levies taxes on real estate and personal property.

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集体所有的其他不动产和动产。Other realties and chattels that are in the ownership of collective.

财产可分为不动产和动产两类。Property may be classified into real property and personal property.

财产所在地规则同样适用于有形动产。The situs test also applies in relation to tangible movable property.

最后,研究动产抵押应关注抵押权实现的顺位问题。Lastly, realization order of chattel hypothecation shall be addressed.

可能影响物业价值的动产或装饰。Chattels or decorative touches that may affect the value of a property.

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动产抵押制度重新焕发生命力得益于英美法系。The flourish of chattel hypothecation benefits from Anglo-American law.

动产担保融资是以动产为担保物的融资形式。Chattel secured financing is the way of financing guaranteed by chattel.

第二部分,动产抵押追及力分析。The second part gives theoretical analysis of movable property mortgage.

本法所称物,包括不动产和动产。The term "res" as mentioned in the present Law means realties and chattels.

任鹤约夯个叶片9日和10可动产或两边叶片可动产。Any one of the blades 9 and 10 may be movable or both blades may be movable.

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一般动产不具有外观上可识别的特殊标志。General chattels have no special character through which it can be identified.

首先,笔者阐述了动产抵押权优先效力及其价值。Firstly, the priority validity of chattels mortgage and its value are discussed.

笔者认为所有权保留买卖既适用于动产也适用于不动产。The writer thinks the retention of title can be used in chattel and real estate.