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他说,木星是个救世主,但还是一个大魔头。Jupiter is just as much a menace as a savior, he said.

这一次他们刚回来的时候,看到一岁的乖宝宝变成了两岁的小魔头还真是有点不知所措。We all think it's gonna be hard for them to watch two babies at the same time.

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不瞒你说我还担心你们爸爸,要对付你们几个小魔头。And believe me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters.

这个大魔头向太阳系外扔了很多扫帚星,但又把它们引向了太阳系内部。The big planet throws a lot of comets out of the solar system, but it also throws them in.

不管怎样,世界上许多的孩子都是伴随着哈利波特,那个连名字都不能提的魔头,还有霍格沃茨的故事长大的。anyway, a lot of children around the world grew up on the stories about Harry, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Hogwarts.

哈利、罗恩和赫敏三人将继承邓布利多的未完遗志,收集齐剩下的魂器,打败黑暗魔头。Harry, Ron Weasley and Hermione decide to finish Dumbledore's work and find the rest of the Horcruxes to defeat the Dark Lord.

历史有自己的轨迹,但大多数危机都需要人们去权衡一个个的未知,并在互相竞争的魔头中进行选择。History has its upward arcs, but most crises require weighing unknowns against unknowns, and choosing between competing evils.

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尽管有如此多的好处,但我发现许多报道都试图把你与经济大魔头之一,著名的大萧条相提并论。Despite all these good points, I have seen news reports trying to tie you to that economic chamber of horrors, the Great Depression.

吉莉安•里昂与一个被她称为“魔头”的男人分道扬镳,她说她等他归还自己的财物已经等了两年。Gillian Lyons broke up with a man she calls "the Beastmaster" and said she's been waiting for him to return her possessions for two years.

在过去的许多年中,房价上涨被当成洪水猛兽,但他现在来了个一百八十度大转弯,又把房价下跌当成了大魔头。Having behaved for years as if rising houses prices were a disaster, he now does a U-turn and behaves as if falling ones were the very devil.

与史上最邪恶的魔头作对有什么好处?就是为了拯救无辜的生命!死了总比背叛朋友强!What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives! Died rather than betray your friends!

狂天魔原名未知前世是杀死哈利父母的魔头有恢复黑势力的野心真实水平未知。Mad Omen Past original name is unknown to kill Harry's parents to restore the dark forces of Satan are the real level of ambition of the unknown.

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宝宝的进步真是惊人的快啊,上午还坐不稳要人时不时扶一下的小魔头,下午就突然会坐坐了。My baby is progressing very fast. In the morning, he couldn't sit stablly by himself, while in the afternoon, he suddenly learnt to sit on his own.

多年前,吴健为兄弟报仇,手刃大魔头周玲,留下一段江湖轶事。Old before, wu Jian revenges for brother, ling of week of head of hand blade old magic, leave a paragraph of all corners of the country anecdotical.

她醒来时,她看到鬼样的圈圈在空中浮动着,她知道那一定是她喜欢说的有名的爱魔头疼精怪的迹象。When she woke up, she could see ghostly circles floating in the air, a sure sign that she was getting one of what she liked to call Em's Famous Headaches.

“老魔杖的拥有者总是担心受到攻击,”奥利凡德说,“但是黑魔头拥有死亡棒的这个想法,我必须承认……是令人生畏的。”"The owner of the Elder Wand must always fear attack, " said Ollivander, "but the idea of the Dark Lord in possession of the Deathstick is, I must admit . . . formidable. "