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把他誉为“农技铁人”。Put him as the "Agricultural Iron Man."

八是完善理顺农技推广体系。Eighth, consummate the system of popularizing agricultural technique.

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史瓦济兰畦畦青菜田的幕后功臣,就是我国的农技团员。Swaziland owes its flourishing vegetable beds to behind the scenes work by the ROC agricultural mission.

采用试验与示范相结合,对汇集雨水补灌农技措施进行了系统研究。Using methods of experiment and demonstration, the agronomy techniques for rainwater irrigation are studied.

农业研究投资可以改良品种,更好的农技推广方法可以帮助农户适应这些品种。Investment in research can bring improved varieties, and better approaches to extension can help farmers adopt them.

但目前大多数技术推广对象年龄大、素质低,农技推广面临严峻形势。But now most popularize objects are aged and with low self-stuff, the popularizing agricultural technique faced grimness circumstance.

加强农技推广、优良品种宣传,以及扩大种植规模、形成规模效应,都是推动农户购买良种的可行性方法。Enhancing the agricultural skill and improved seed, enlarge the scope of farmers, is the best way to increase the use of improved seed.

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三是国有农技推广体系改革的切入点是确定公益性农技推广的职能。Thirdly, transform about state system of agrotechnical popularizing start with ensuring function of agrotechnical popularizing of commonweal.

该省已普遍成立了农技推广中心,帮助农民以更加科学的方法种田。Agricultural technique spreading centers have been set up everywhere in that province, helping farmers to do their work in a more scientific way.

由于资金不足、信息滞后、农产品流通方式落后以及农技人员缺乏等原因,贫困山区农业结构调整面临着诸多现实困难。However, this work is facing difficulty due to limited funds, delayed information, disadvantage circulating pattern of products and lack of technical staff.

新港镇农技推广服务中心系新港镇行政性事业单位,负责全镇农技推广服务。The Agriculture technology Promotion Service Center of Xingang town is a administrative institution taking charge of the agriculture technology promotion service.

农技进步对我国农业总产值贡献到本世纪末欲达60~70%左右,实现农业总产值规划目标技术进步是关键。The increased output value through agricultural technical progress till the end of the 20th century is expected to 60-70 percent of the gross agricultural output value.

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这对于今后在广大农村,特别是在灾区从事农业重建及农技推广工作的社会机构和人员,有一定的参考价值。These contain some reference value for the public institutions and personnel engaged in agricultural reconstruction and agricultural technology extension in quake-stricken areas.

影响农户决策的外部因素中,有农技推广成本与经济效益、风险因素、推广服务体系、社区及邻里关系等。The external environmental factor of influencing farmer"s decision have agrotechnical to popularize cost and benefit, big risk , popularize service system and neighbourhood relation."

公司以杂交水稻为核心,以种业为主营业务方向,以农技服务创造价值。With the hybrid rice seed industry as the main business, Longping High-tech focuses on hybrid rice variety development, and creates values by providing agricultural technology services.

农技推广网络不健全,农民科技文化素质不高,农技推广缺之宽松的环境。Network of farming ability promotion is diseased, quality of culture of farmer science and technology is not high, farming ability popularizes the comfortable environment that be short of.

近半数农民仍凭经验种地,明显多于技术人员指导,基层农技推广服务到位率不高。Nearly half of farmers still land according to their experiences, that is much more than conducted by the technician, the rate of grass-roots agricultural extension in place is not very high.

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本研究筛选出的比较适合社会主义市场经济条件下的三种农技推广典型模式,可供各级领导、农业科技人员在实践中参考。This paper summarized the three agricultural technological extension service modes that suit to socialism market economics and can be used for reference for the leaders and scientists to practice.