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你替我买把小阳伞行吗?要素底子的。Will you get me a quite plain parasol ?

不少女孩子在晴天打著阳伞。Many girls carry parasols on sunny days.

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她的手腕套在阳伞上那编织成的饰环里。Wrist through the braided jess of her sunshade.

各色阳伞给夏日待头平添了活泼的气氛。Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.

这张照片拍摄于1955年,赫本身着太阳裙,举着一把彩色阳伞。Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in 1955.

炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies.

她收起阳伞,坐在那儿,心不在焉地在沙砾上画着图案。She had furled her parasol and sat absently drawing patterns on the gravel.

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当恰克点着火,烤肉炉上方的大阳伞立刻烧了起来。When Chuck started it, the umbrella above the grill immediately caught fire.

炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies outside.

一个年长的已婚男子撑一把雨伞或阳伞陪伴新娘。An older, married man walks with her, holding an umbrella or parasol to cover her.

俏皮采取LV标志,它是使用阳伞和充气的透明塑料钱包。And in a playful take on the LV logo, it was used for parasols and to aerate clear plastic purses.

街道中间的桌子、椅子和阳伞是简易咖啡馆。Tables and chairs and umbrellas will be arranged to form makeshift cafés in the middle of the street.

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伊丽莎白听从了母亲的话,先到自己房间里去拿了一把阳伞,然后下楼来待候这位贵客。Elizabeth obeyed, and running into her own room for her parasol, attended her noble guest down stairs.

夏天,在正午阳光的照耀下沿着海滨小路散步时,最好带一把阳伞。In summer when you stroll on eh boardwalk in the noonday sun, it is advisable to take along a parasol.

接着这枝子就被折断了。她把它握在柔嫩的手里,并且还用绸阳伞替它遮住太阳。And the Branch was broken off , and she held it in her delicate hand, and sheltered it with her silk parasol.

她的声音低沉下去,几乎变成了喃喃自语,坐在那儿,两手一会握住、一会又松开阳伞的把手。Her voice had sunk almost to a whisper, and she sat clasping and unclasping her hands about the handle of her sunshade.

她看到一个穿浅色连衣裙的女人,四肢舒展地躺着,她的阳伞合在一边,像一把巨大的珍珠编织成的鱼钩。She saw the pale dress of the woman outspread and her foldedparasol, lying on the grass like a huge pearl crochet hook.

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利用太阳能的除湿和冷却系统经由特殊的“屋顶阳伞”形成了有遮阳的屋顶景观。The dehumidification and cooling system with solar panels via special "roof parasol" forms a sun-shading roof landscape.

长着宽大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都入睡了,它们宽阔的叶面在太阳下低垂着,就像是半开半合的阳伞。The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas.

野营用具,包括野营帐篷,休闲阳伞,汽车遮阳篷,野营椅,床式睡袋以及其他野营用具。Camping articles , including camping tents, casual canopy , car canopy , camping chair , bed sleeping bag , etc camping equipment.