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你觉得文学社怎么样?How about the Literary Club?

三年前他们草创文学社。They started to establish the Literature Society three years ago.

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后来我的老师鼓励我参加校文学社。Later my teacher encouraged me to join the School Literature Club.

你能不能来给我们的文学社做一次讲演?Literature Society Could you come and speak to our Literary Society?

澄池文学社两次被评选为全国中学生百强文学社团。Chengchi Literary Club has twice been named"National Top Literary Club".

我决定了,就加入文学社。因为我喜欢阅读和写作。I've made up my mind to join Literary Club because I like reading and writing.

高二我觉得我做的最对的一件事就是退出了文学社。High I feel that I do most of the one thing that is out of the literary agency.

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本文重点介绍了如何构建中学文学社的创新机制问题。Taiyuan University of Technology introduces the creative mechanism in enrolling new students.

在他的文学社里,周围围满了敬重他的文学精英。In his fareous Literary Club- where he was surrounded with respect by the elite of the literary circles.

曾经,我们一些热血青年成立了文学社,规模发展到一二百人。Once, some of our young established literary agency, the scale of development to one hundred or two hundred people.

通常情况下,技术风格,数学和文学社的同义反复的推理可以掩盖的理论。Often, the technical style, mathematics, and tautological reasoning of the agency literature can obscure the theory.

结婚仪式在彼格雷·沃特斯安立甘宗教堂举行,然后他们在南港皇家文学社棕榈厅举行了婚宴。The marriage took place in the Anglican Church, Biggera Waters with the reception held in Southport RSL's Palm Lounge.

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现在是广州外国语学校高一学生,担任班长,学校文学社社长。Guangzhou Foreign Language School is now high school students, served as squad leader, the school literary club president.

我是学校文学社的一名成员,因此我有很多机会外出采风来收集我的写作材料。I'm a member of the school's Literature Club, so I have many opportunities to collect inspirations from outside to aid my writings.

像很多参战老兵一样,战后海明威回到祖国,经历了一段痛苦时光,后来他在巴黎加入了一个文学社。Like so many war veterans he came home after the war but had a hard time settling and eventually joined a group of artîsts in Paris.

平常喜欢书法摄影,擅长写作,在校期间担任过三年的文学社社长,多次发表文章并获奖。Usually I likes calligraphy and photography, good writing, served for three years during the school's literary agency, several published articles and won prizes.

大一担任学校文学社编辑一职,大二大三担任班级团支书一职。During the three years in Hubei Normal University. as a freshman being school literary editor of the post, as a sophomore and as a junior being secretary of class.

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4月24日,衡阳市作家协会第八次代表大会在南华大学举行,我校成章文学社社长欧小菊作为中学校园文学社团代表参加了大会。On April 24, the eighth congress of Hengyang Authors Guild was held in Nanhua University. The president of Chengzhang Literary Association Mr. Ou Xiaoju represented middle school.