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他总是吃苦在前。He's always the first to bear hardships.

乐成来自于始终如一和吃苦。Success comes from persistence and hard work.

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除此之外,还要肯吃苦。In addition, but also agree to bear hardships.

比喻吃苦在先,享受在后。Analogy bear hardships prevenient, enjoy after.

他们不能像他们父母一样'吃苦'。They can't 'eat bitterness' like their parents.

得到领导的肯定,表扬我肯吃苦,会吃苦。The leaders agree to bear hardships, I will praise.

叔父觉得让云深吃吃苦也是好的。Uncle feel let cloud deep eat hardship is also good.

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不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜。He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is.

现在有些年轻人不愿吃苦。Nowadays,some youngster are unwilling to bear hardship.

杨健表示,“他们非常专业,也很能吃苦”。"They are very professional and hardworking, " says Yang.

怕吃苦,就干不成大事。Those who fear hardships will not accomplish anything great.

军训和学习,都是需要吃苦才能做好的。We all need to bear hardships to do well in both MT and study.

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只要他们活着,是不需要她吃苦的。As long as they lived, exertions would not be necessary to her.

还有一些人是被父母送到这里接受管教和学习吃苦精神的。A few are sent by their parents to learn discipline and hard work.

不必用“一分耕耘,一分收获”的想法让自己吃苦。Don't punish yourself by swallowing the"no pain , no gain"philosophy.

可是遇到重大问题,我可能就会因为没有钱而吃苦了。But in matters of greater weight, I may suffer from the want of money.

不必用“一分耕耘,一分收获”的想法让自己吃苦。Don't punish yourself by swallowing the “no pain, no gain” philosophy.

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生涯是需要一直的功程,而是吃苦一直的进程。Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.

胡正生满意的点了点头说,“他正在学着吃苦。”Hu nods with a teacher's satisfaction. "He is learning to eat bitterness."

为什么长大了反而更怕吃苦,更怕学习的负担了呢?Why grew up instead more afraid of hardship, more afraid of learning burden?