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性爱归根结底是件荒唐事。SEX is the ultimate absurdity.

为画家树碑立传归根结底还是他的作品。A painter's monument is his work.

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但归根结底,是没有任何借口的。But in the end, there are no excuses.

归根结底,就象蜡烛光的影子。Wavers, a candle's shadow, at the end.

归根结底是,中国故事已经结束了。Bottomline is that China story is over.

归根结底,它也一样,根还是希腊的That too, was ultimately, a Greek source.

而归根结底,这就是我们需要开源的理由。And that, in the end, is why we need open source.

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计算机所做的事情归根结底就是一个数学问题。Everything a computer does breaks down into math.

归根结底,这是美国独一无二的天赋。That, after all, is the unique genius of America.

归根结底,美国梦就如同孩子一样天真。At its core, the American dream is childlike, too.

苹果归根结底没有输掉智能手机的战斗。Apple hasn't lost the smart-phone battle by any means.

它归根结底就是这样的简单的东西。It pretty much boils down to something simple as this.

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归根结底,序列图就是交互图。Ultimately, sequence diagrams are maps of interaction.

归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory.

这个想法归根结底就是让粉丝们变身音乐制作人。The idea essentially is to empower music fans to become A&R's.

归根结底,最终用户必须处理许多误报。Ultimately, end-users must deal with numerous false positives.

归根结底,这是你的钱,你的财产,和你的亲人。Ultimately, it is your money, your property, and your loved ones.

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归根结底,因为我们知道她是个不合格的老师。All in all, we believed—knew that she was not a qualified teacher.

归根结底,和记者打交道是一种商业往来,一种无现金的交易。We should, therefore, have a heart of gold in dealing with people.

归根结底,还是这句话,巴黎的每个人都有罪And, in the end what there was was this, Paris, everybody was guilty.