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这种药物有毒性,而且施药过程复杂。Such drugs are toxic and complicated to administer.

而施药机械是实现药物防治的主要工具。The spraying mechanism is the main tool to apply pesticide.

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对不同的施药注射方式进行了探讨。Various drug injection methods were investigated and compared.

已证明芬那露为一种有效的横纹肌松施药。Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.

施药方式以药液浸果为优。The optimal applying mode was dipping fruits in the fungicide liquid.

进一步的研究无疑施药发现或者证实存在更多的多肽。Future work will no doubt find and confirm more of the brain's peptides.

切勿施药于其他人士可能接触到的地方。Do not apply in areas where people may come into contact with the pesticide.

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同一施药方法,不同加工剂型的沉积率亦不同。The settlement different with the pesticide form with same application method.

机械施药与人工砻糠载体二种施药方法具有相同防治效果。Both methods of mechanical spray and mannul husk carrier have the same efficacy.

一旦开始把它当作小儿多动症治疗,全科医生就要承受继续施药的压力。Once ADHD treatment has started, GPs are pressured into continuing the medication.

常温烟雾施药法是设施农业病虫害防治的新技术。An applying pesticide method of the fogger in normal temperature is a new technology.

试验结果指出,呋喃丹、易卫杀都是很好的根区施药内吸剂。Results indicate that carbofuran and "Evisect" are suitable for root zone application.

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本文对用药适期、剂量及施药技术进行了讨论。The suitable time, dosage of the fungicide and technique were introduced in this paper.

疾病第一阶段使用的药物毒性较小并较容易施药。The drugs used in the first stage of the disease are of lower toxicity and easier to administer.

为提高除草剂利用率,开发了一种基于处方图的变量对靶施药除草系统。In order to improve herbicide efficiency, a map-based variable weed spraying system was designed.

研究提供了不同施药剂量下毒死蜱在样本中的最终残留量和残留消解动态方程等结果。The results provided with the final residue and the half life of chlorpyrifos in peanut and soil, etc.

本文还对这6种杀螨剂的用药适期、剂量及施药技术进行了讨论。The suitable time for al7plication, dosage and technique of 6 Kindsof miticides were introduced in this paper.

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瘟疫流行期间,清政府拨付专款,设局施药施棺进行直接救治。During the plagues, the government put in special fund to set up organizations that gave drugs and coffins for free.

应当象对待珍贵和易碎的商品一样对待ACTs,并只在确定诊断化验结果的基础上施药。ACTs should be treated like precious, fragile commodities, dispensed only on the basis of a confirmed diagnostic test.

最初,HP开发这一药物施药技术作为其喷墨打印技术在新市场应用的途径。HP initially developed the drug delivery technology as a way to repurpose its inkjet technology for use in new markets.