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您的业余爱好是什么?Was hast du für Hobbys?

我的业余爱好是谈钢琴。My hoy is playing the piano?

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我的业余爱好是集邮.My hobby is collecting stamps.

业余时间你编程吗?。Do you code in your spare-time?

没有任何业余爱好或热情?Don't have a hobby or passion?

业余时间赚点零花。有意请联系!Please feel free to contact me!

有些学生业余做散工。Some students job at spare time.

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必竟,每个人都需要有一个业余爱好的。After all, everyone needs a hobby.

他不干工作却搞起了业余爱好。He turned from his work to a hobby.

集邮是一种普遍的业余爱好。Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.

你的业余时间都做什么?What do you do in your leisure-time?

所有棋手都应该有一项业余爱好。All chessplayers should have a hobby.

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业余时间我还喜欢养花。At my spare time I also grow flowers.

养信鸽是他的业余爱好。Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.

作为业余爱好者,我们对这事本来就是一无所知的。As amateurs we would have had no idea.

你能给我安排一份业余工作吗?。Can you fix me up with a parttime job?

我什么时候会有时间搞我的业余爱好呢?When would I find time for my hobbies?

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我曾经梦想当一个业余画家。I dreamed of being a part-time painter.

业余戏曲演员成为职业演员。Become professional actors or actresses.

他对业余戏剧演出感兴趣。He is interested in amateur theatricals.