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他们强把中立国推入战争。They thrust a neutral state into war.

挪威在第一次世界大战时期是中立国。Norway was a neutral country during World War I.

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瑞士似乎是一个永久中立国。Switzerland seems to be a permanently neutral state.

瑞士在两次世界大战中都是中立国家。Switzerland is a neutral country in the two world wars.

海军被指控袭击中立国的船泊。The navy is accused of having attacked neutral shipping.

选择匹配的颜色,或到与中立国适合和作风。Select colors that match or go with neutrals that fit and style.

瑞士是一个中立国家,从不卷入战争。Switzerland is a neutral country for it is not involved in wars.

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这些士兵被扣留在中立国直到战争结束。The soldier was interned in a neutral country until the war was over.

这些士兵被拘留在中立国,直到战争结束。These soldiers were interned in a neutral country until the war was over.

但戈培尔不知道,还有一盒母带已经被送到了中立国瑞士。But unknown to Goebbels, a second master had been sent to neutral Switzerland.

最终,油漆匠、乐队指挥和英国飞行员们一起飞向了中立国瑞士。Finally, the painter, conductor and a British pilots fly to a neutral Switzerland.

一些中立国家,像瑞士没有参加第二次世界大战。Some neutral countries, like Switzerland, did not take part in the Second World War.

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在第二次世界大战以敷,许多殖民地被准玙自治,成为中立国。After World War II many colonies were granted autonomy and became independent nations.

中立国海上贸易权利规则须作变更以适应目前的国际现实。And to suit the present reality, the neutral rights of maritime trade should be revised.

他们必须是参战国吗?还是包括中立国?或者是战区中的中立国?Do they have to be a combatant country? or are neutrals included? or only neutrals in war zones?

当奥地利是中立国,反法联盟方可以转变奥地利成为反法联盟国。If Österreich is a neutral country, the Coalition player may convert it into a Coalition member.

本规约不规范战时交战国和中立国的权利和义务。This Statute does not prescribe the rights and duties of belligerentsand neutrals in time of war.

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他在1901年加入瑞士国籍,因此可以免于参军,因为瑞士是中立国。He had taken Swiss nationality in 1901 and therefore did not have to join the army, as Switzerland.

现在到了1939年的秋季,俄国成为一个敌对的中立国,正处在敌对与实际作战两者之间。Now in the autumn of 1939, Russia was an adverse neutral, balancing between antagonism and actual war.

1914年,德国入侵比利时,侵犯了其中立国地位。Belgium"s neutrality was violated in 1914, when Germany invaded Belgium as part of the Schlieffen Plan.