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安装并仔细监测水表。Install – and carefully monitor – a water meter.

这是一个IC卡智能水表程序,我已编译过可以用的。This is a smart meter IC card , I have compiled can be used.

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智能类水表并没有显示出多大市场优势。Intelligent type water meter does not show much market advantage.

我们的分水表设备便宜,准确,可靠。Our water submetering equipment is inexpensive, accurate and reliable.

水表应该带有一个完全防水的累加器装置。Water meters should be with a totalizer mechanism completely waterproof.

分水表是一种广泛接受的公共事业成本回收设备。Water Submetering is a very widely accepted form of utility cost recovery.

本文提出了一种以TM卡为存储媒介的预付款智能水表的设计方案。This paper mainly introduces the design of intelligent TM card water meter.

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本论文主要介绍了基于红外遥控技术的预付费水表的设计。In this paper, the background of pre-payment electricity meter was analyzed.

本发明公开了一种无线无源水表和气表。The invention discloses a wireless and non-source water meter and gas meter.

然而,随着时间的推移,人们发现该体系对水表生产企业并不适用。However, some years later it was found inapplicability to water meter industry.

鉴于此,我开始着手智能水表的硬件设计和程序开发。In view of this, I started to smart meter hardware design and program development.

很多次教练教育游泳者在整个移臂过程中屈肘,这通常带着他们手掌接近水表面。Many times coaches teach swimmers to sharply bend their elbow during the recovery.

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介绍一种可以对水表、电表、煤气表进行远程自动抄表的系统。A automatic record system for water meter, gas meter and power meter is introduced.

辅助管路应该由通过认证的防回流阀和水表构成。The auxiliary line shall consist of an approved backflow preventer and water meter.

使用具有通讯功能的智能水表是解决这一问题的最佳方案。The intelligent water meter with communication functions is the best solution to it.

我老婆这样认为在城区陌生地段查读水表时,我发现一处房子没有门牌号。Reading water meters in an unfamiliar part of town, I came upon a house with no number.

仿生超疏水表面具有防水、自清洁等优良特性。Super-hydrophobic materials have special properties such as water-proof, self-clean, etc.

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安装上水表以后,就可以知道每户的用水量了。When water meters are installed, it will be easy to tell how much water each home is using.

高视阔步有一个正面角度当支柱轴指向向上往水表面。The strut has a positive angle when the prop shaft points upwards towards the water surface.

基于非接触式IC卡的智能水表就是众多自动抄表系统中的一员。The contactless IC card for water meter system is one of the automatic meter reading systems.