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或者我该号称是高人庞?Or should I say The Great Persky?

大连号称水果之乡。Dalian is known as a land of fruit.

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狮子号称百兽之王。The lion is called the king of beasts.

这口泉号称从不干涸。The fountain is reputed never to dry up.

他号称肉毒杆菌巨头,胶原蛋白大王。He is the Baron of Botox, the King of Collagen.

号称”国香,王者香”。Known as the "National fragrant incense the king."

那就是号称喀纳斯湖第一桥的木桥。That's the first wooden bridge in the Kanas Lake area.

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号称天下第一石,是造山的绝佳材料。So-called world a stone, is the best orogenic material.

“说书红”弟子很多,号称有“高门九英”之说。"Red" pious, boasts many followers of the "nine" music.

当时王振敬先生被号称为卡带王。At that time, Mr Tony Wang was nicknamed "Cassette King".

所有号称可燃烧5秒的手榴弹引线都会在3秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three second.

反方辩手1号称述观点,你准备好了吗?开始时间。Debater number 1of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

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而那些号称更美味的种类则只加入了脂肪,可以说是种坏的“转型”。Flavored cakes only add fat, which can be the bad “trans” kind.

百度,号称中国的谷歌,每天删除一百万条评论。Baidu, the Google of China, takes down 1,000,000 comments per day.

最高一级阶梯是青藏高原,平均海拔4000米以上,号称?The top of this four-step "staircase" is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

虽然茶叶,清肠片,甚至日本脚垫号称能给你的身体排毒。Teas, colonics, even Japanese foot pads claim to detoxify your body.

欧洲最大的交友网Meetic也号称有几百万的使用者。Meetic, Europe’s biggest dating service, also boasts millions of users.

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最初的酒园位于圣赫勒拿岛上的一处古老的所在,号称“魔幻酒庄”。The original site was an old "ghost winery" on Lodi Lane in St. Helena.

他们会号称说要制定一个真正的标准,但这都是忽悠人的。They'll make noise about creating a true standard, but it won't happen.

另外,布鲁塞尔在生活质量的很多方面号称是欧洲最好的。In addition, Brussels boasts some of the best quality of life in Europe.