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说吧,我洗耳恭听。Go on.I’m all ears.

可以。我会洗耳恭听。Please. I'm all ears.

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“我洗耳恭听,”他说。"I'm all ears, " he said.

可以开始谈了,我以洗耳恭听。We can talk now, I'm all ears.

告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听。Tell me your story, I‘m all ears.

好,你想告诉我什么?洗耳恭听。Okay. What do you want to tell me?

告诉我发生了什麽事!我洗耳恭听。Tell me what happened! I'm all ears.

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请多说点儿,我洗耳恭听。Tell me a little more. I'm listening.

告诉我你的事吧。我洗耳恭听。Tell me your story. Iwoulll ingl ears.

真的?说说看。我洗耳恭听。Really? Tell me about it. I'm all ears.

如果你有不同意见,我将洗耳恭听。Tell me about your trip, I am all ears.

你还有什么吩咐的吗?我们洗耳恭听。Do you have anything to say? We are all ears.

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是美国常用的俚语,表示“洗耳恭听”之意。She takes all ears to what her mother have said.

如果你还有其他任何的建议,我都愿意洗耳恭听。If you have any other advice for me I'm all ears.

我洗耳恭听,像海棉一样吸收了每一个字。I was all ears and soaked every word in like a sponge.

警察不耐烦地看了汤米一眼,但还是洗耳恭听。The cop gave Tommy an impatient look but kept listening.

要想保持真正的友谊,必须学会洗耳恭听。One must learn to be a good listener to stay in a genuine friendship.

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既然你那么想告诉我,亲爱的,我只有洗耳恭听了。As you wish to tell me, My dear, I doudt I have any choise in the matter.

洗耳恭听有经验者的建议,你会得到宝贵的信息。Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience.

如果你能想到接近安布罗斯的更快捷的办法,我将洗耳恭听。I'm open to a suggestion if you can think of a quicker way to get to Ambrose.