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欧洲的商业企业多如牛毛。There are countless enterprises in europe.

现在软件公司多如牛毛。There are so many software companies out there.

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而且这种专注于女性产品的购物网站现在多如牛毛。Plus a rash of other women-focused product sale sites.

这个年代如此开放,解决问题的办法多如牛毛,随便选一种就是啦。The age is so open that there are many solutions to this problem.

坏的老板简直是多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难。Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find.

恨我之人多如牛毛,没有任何缘由。More in number than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause.

还有多如牛毛的公司在生产着假冒的吉列产品和劳力士手表,而这些假冒产品又在街头巷尾售出。And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.

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有关婚姻与家庭的材料多如牛毛,而友情方面的却很少。There is just scads of stuff on families and marriage, but very little on friendship.

宋词是词史上的巅峰时期,借建筑意象抒情的词作多如牛毛。Song-Ci is the peak period in the history of Ci, and building lyrical imagescountless.

然而,多如牛毛的火狐扩展会让用户感到无所适从。However, the vast number of extensions available for Firefox can be a bit overwhelming.

国家衰微之时,犯罪多如牛毛,不受惩罚者众。让。It is when a State is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a guarantee of impunity.

我曾住在一个罪犯多如牛毛而法律又软弱的地区。I used to live in an area where criminals abounded and where the legal system seemed powerless.

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他声称,那本书中的错误多如牛毛,连美国汉学家都能看出来。He claims that the book's over-abundance error, Sinologists of the United States can not even see.

我真希望我象杰克一样有个好人缘。我在这个城市几乎没有一个熟人,而他的朋友却多如牛毛。I wish I were as popular as Jack. I know hardly anyone in this city, while he has friends to burn.

我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded and wITe the legal system seemed powerless.

我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded or wITe the legal rule easystmed powerless.

但是在当前的研究中,研究者发现那些父母的谎话多如牛毛,不尽相同。But in the current study, researchers found that these parental fibs are hardly few and far between.

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要来品尝更具传统特色的食品,就可以在该市多如牛毛的店家中任选一家点上一份鱼肉薯条。For a more traditional meal order a round of fish and chips from one of the city's countless venues.

除了田赋以外,他们还被迫交纳多如牛毛的各种杂捐。In addition, they were forced to pay innumerable surtaxes , to say nothing of the government land tax.

由于印度人对黄金首饰格外看重,首饰店在印度可谓是多如牛毛。Because of the affection of Indian people towards gold jewellery, jewellery shops are everywhere in India.