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粒度分析表明其具有典型的浊流特征。The granularity analysis results show typical features of turbidite deposits.

下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群的沉积相的主要类型为三角洲相,湖相和浊流相。The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta, lake and turbidity.

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中上奥陶统以半深海相的浊流沉积为主,岩性主要为碎屑岩。The middle and upper Ordovician was characterized by clastic rock of turbidity facies in bathyal sea.

而马东—马东东地区的混积岩发育于重力流沉积体系之中,为浊流沉积的产物。While Madong Madongdong district is distributed in gravity flow deposit systems, mixed by turbidites.

陆坡下部区的火山碎屑及浊流沉积物中放射虫化石亦不丰富。In the low area of continental slope, radiolaria fossils are poor in the volcanic cinders and turbidite.

同时,归纳出内扇、中扇及外扇相组合,论述了湖泊相浊流沉积的成因及石油地质意义。The origin and significance of petroleum geology of turbid current deposits of lake facies are discussed.

鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田三叠系延长组发育典型的浊流沉积体。Triassic turbidity current deposits of Yanchang Formation well developed in the Xifeng oilfield, Ordos basin.

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生活就如那清澈透明的白酒,乍一看近似纯净,实为滚滚浊流。Life is the clear and transparent white spirits, which seems pure at the first glance, but actually is turbid.

而水下河道冲刷、重力密度浊流也有助于铀在潮底同生富集。The scouring by subfluvial rivers can also contribute to the syngenetic enrichment of uranium at the lake bottom.

砂质碎屑流的叠加样式及其与浊流的发育程度受基准面旋回的影响。The base level cycles have great influence on the stacking patterns and the development of debris flows and the turbidity.

与浊流沉积有关的隐蔽油气藏,将是松辽盆地今后勘探中值得重视的一种油藏类型。Subtle oil and gas pools related to turbidity deposit will be a target worth while for future exploration in Songliao basin.

区别分级的风暴沉积、陆架层序、分级的浊流沉积和深海层序。Discriminate between graded storm-deposits shelfal successions graded turbidity current deposits and deep-marine successions.

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结果表明,该区存在砂质浊积岩体和细粒浊积岩体两种浊流沉积物。The results show that there are two turbidity sedimentary types in this area, namely the sandy turbidite and muddy turbidite.

白垩纪构造普遍上覆有中新世河道与浊流砂层,而后者又覆盖在下伏高地上。Cretaceous structures are commonly overlain by Miocene channel and turbidite sands that are also draped across underlying highs.

大片的森林被砍伐,碧绿的青山被发掘,美丽的草原成荒漠,明澈的河水成浊流。Large forests have been cut down and the green mountains were digging, beautiful grassland into desert, clean rivers into turbidity.

块体搬运的重力流顺斜坡演化为浊流,进入盆地轴部后转为由东往西顺盆地走向流动,并在轴部形成一套经典浊积岩。The turbidity current transformed from gravitational sliding on slopes were transported from east to west along the axis of the basin.

根据主要支掌机制,区内重力流沉积可以分为碎屑流、颗粒流和浊流沉积。Three kinds of gravity flows, i. e. debris flow, grain flow and turbidity flow, are divided by the main support mechanism of sediments.

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重力流沉积为暗灰、灰色的厚层滑塌沉积、碎屑流沉积和薄中层浊流沉积组合。Gravity flow deposits are consisted of thick dark-gray and gray slump deposits, debris-flow deposits and thin-medium bedded turbidite deposits.

南秦岭横丹浊积岩系是一套巨厚的浊流沉积,以向南或南东倾的单斜构造产出。The Hengdan turbidite sequence is composed of very thick, normal turbidity current deposits. It is marked by a monocline dipping south or southeast.

桂北丹洲群厚度大,岩相纵向演化复杂,含有浊流沉积和海相火山岩系,并发育顺层韧性剪切变形。Danzhou Group of Guangxi with a great thickness contains turbidity current deposit and marine volcanic sequence with ductile shear deformation in it.