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所有的泡沫将一扫而光。All the bubbles would have burst away.

就这样,嘉莉最初的疑虑被一扫而光。Thus the first hour of misgiving was swept away.

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了解了真相,梅婧心中的怨气一扫而光。Having known the truth, Mei felt free from anger totally.

但现在那些疲乏已经一扫而光,他又活力十足地登台了。But signs of fatigue were gone now, and he took the stage with force.

转眼之间,奶油面包和腊肠卷就被一扫而光。The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.

真是金子,曾使他的财产一扫而光的洪水,却亦能使他成了富翁,人生亦常如此。The flood which had beggared him made him rich. So it is ofttimes in life.

他有没有像饼干怪兽一样把花生酱曲奇一扫而光?Did he wolf down that peanut butter cookie like the cookie monster was coming?

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乡绅正在船尾的舷窗那里等候我,先前的沮丧之色一扫而光。The squire was waiting for me at the stern window, all his faintness gone from him.

一见到围墙,所有的欢乐便一扫而光,悲从中来。He looked at the fence, and all joy left him. A deep sadness settled upon his heart.

架子上全是本人爱吃的东西,我真想用用“吸食大法”把它们一扫而光。Shelves are all I love to eat, I really want to use "smoking solution" put them away.

我会把烙饼放在桌子上让他们可以随时吃,烙饼很容易就一扫而光了。I’ll leave it on the table for them to eat at random, and the pancakes soon disappear.

战争或其他一些灾难如摧枯拉朽般将发育不良、苟延残喘的压力集团一扫而光。A war or some other catastrophe sweeps away the choking undergrowth of pressure groups.

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此外,那六十万法郎已使老处女的犹豫心情一扫而光了。Moreover, the six hundred thousand francs had settled the elderly spinster's indecision.

其中,玛莎的热情好客也使得宾客们感觉非常舒服,陌生感一扫而光。Still, Martha's warm hospitality made her guests feel welcome and put strangers at ease.

那段日子,他一下子年轻了许多,满面红光,精神抖擞,丧妻的抑郁一扫而光。In those days, he whips much younger faces, full of energy, the wife of depression disappeared.

通过引入函数和变元的数学模型,所有这些麻烦都被弗雷格一扫而光。Frege swept allthis away by analysing sentences on a mathematical model of function andargument.

高活性抗逆转录病毒治疗常将血液中的病毒负荷一扫而光。Highly active anti-retroviral therapy often does a smashing job clearing viral loads from the blood.

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在威尔士的三天里,我的怀疑论被一扫而光,成为了一名彻底的黑尔论追随者。Over the three-day course in Wales, my scepticism drained away entirely and I became a Hare devotee.

三十年代先是经历了牛市,接着出现了熊市,将此前的收益一扫而光,让投资者信心顿失。The 1930s brought bull markets followed by bears, taking back gains and sapping investor confidence.

葛泰天赋的同情心立即被职业习惯唤醒,敌对的情绪一扫而光。Gerty's compassionate instincts, responding to the swift call of habit, swept aside all her reluctances.