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贝索斯没有贪求赢利。Bezos was not profit-hungry.

好手对你的赢利是非常大的损害。Regs are super costly to your profit.

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我们公司去年赢利了。Our company turned a profit last year.

他在股价上升时做空股票去赢利He shorted the stocks or whatever to benefit.

这听起来好像是一直赢利-赢利-赢利?Does that sound like a win-win-win all around?

赔钱不能赢利,但能使投机者细心钻研。Losses make the speculator studious——not profits.

爱是不求自己的赢利,不轻易发怒。Love is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered.

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没有,免费大米是非赢利的。No, it does not. FreeRice runs the site at no profit.

你得设法使你的生意赢利。You've got to be able to make your business pay well.

那商人把他的亏损跟赢利相抵。The tradesman balanced his losses against his profits.

他经营的商品种类越多,赢利就越多。The more goods he puts in, the better profits he earns.

这是一个精心组织、赢利的地下产业。It's a well-organized and lucrative underground industry.

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几年内,平均回报为正的意味着赢利A positive average return over several years means profit.

1995年,翻译社开始实现赢利。In 1995, translation agencies began to realize the profit.

各家电信公司那时正努力通过宽带业务赢利。Telcos were struggling to make money from broadband services.

投资该行业的赢利点和风险因素分析。Investment earnings in the industry, and risk factor analysis.

这为罗山带来了出乎意料的赢利市场。This has created an unexpectedly profitable market for Roshan.

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他们希望控制和营销自己的创新产品并从中赢利。They hope to control, market, and profit from their innovations.

我们是一个非赢利教育机构。预算是有限的。We are a non-profit educational organisation. Budget is limited.

真正做到老板放心赢利,玩家开心畅玩,流连忘返。Truly the boss assured profit, smooth players happy to play away.