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依我拙见,这看起来有一些酷。Which looks kinda cool in my humble opinion.

针对这种情况笔者发表了拙见。Due to the circumstance, writer announce opinion by myself.

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女士们、先生们,很荣幸能向各位阐述我的一点拙见。Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to present my viewpoint to you.

文章最后还对我国的证券监管问题提出了一点拙见。At last, I give some advice on China's securities regulatory issues.

今天不吝拙见,以求抛砖引玉,望不妥之处请批评指正。Today, in order to derive tribute at my deficiencies please correct me criticism.

这只是我对未来互联网教育的拙见。It is simply mind boggling to contemplate the future of education on the internet.

最后,笔者就如何建立与完善中国的咨询制度提出了几点拙见。At last, the author gives her own viewpoint on how to establish and perfect China's advisory system.

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本文试就数字图书馆评估的相关理念提出了一点拙见以供广大同仁探讨。In the paper the author tries to put forward some humble opinions on relevant theory of digital library evaluation.

当代社会性别内涵还需要理论研究和实践的检验,本文对此略述拙见。More theoretical and practical researches should be done to fully reveal the gender connotation in contemporary society.

最后针对我国目前的实际情况,对刑事侦查权制约机制的完善提出了自己的拙见。Finally, based on our present situation, put forward own humble opinion on Restriction Mechanism of Criminal Investigation.

笔者对以往实施MBO所暴露出许多诸如收购主体、收购价格、收购资金风险等问题及对策提出拙见。Through implement of MBO in the past, it has exposed a lot of question, such as purchasing main part, purchasing price, purchasing fund hazard.

不论这的价值如何,我并不觉得,我将要说的这些有多少价值-,我只是想分享一下自己的拙见。For what it's worth--and I don't actually think that what I'm about to say is worth all that much-- I'm going to share with you my own pet belief.

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现在我们仅就开发与利用野生经济植物可行性做以论证,并提出自己的拙见,以供参考。We are developed only now with use feasibility of feral economy plant to do in order to prove, offer oneself my opinion, in order to offer reference.

我应该让大家都知道我的这些基于全人类的一般常识的关于普遍性的人道主义价值观和美德的拙见。I should let you all know that these are only my humbly ideas on what universal values and virtues possibly can be according to common sense of all humanity.

其实,依我的拙见,当需要一个人完全诚实的时候,环境会造就或破坏一个人对此的反应。Rather, in my humble opinion, it is the circumstances that make or break an individual's reaction to a situation when it demands total truthfulness in all forms of it.

本文就创新教育必要性及实践提出了自己的拙见,希望和所有关心教育的人共享。I put forward my opinion in terms of the necessarily of innovative education and its implementation in the essay, hope to share them with the people who care for the education.

本文综述并评价了我国作物生产潜力的研究方法,就国内作物生产潜力研究的未来提出了拙见。This paper summarized and evaluated the research way on crop potential productivity in China, and put forward ideas on the studies of crop potential productivity in the future.

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本文在研究该问题已有的相关著述的基础上,对复合行为犯的上述诸多争论点进行比较深入的探究,并试图在该问题上提出自己的一些拙见。Based on the existed papers on this issue, the paper is going to deepen the study on the above aspects of the multi-act crime, and then to bring up some of my opinions about this issue.

最后,笔者从完善立法和辅助性制度设立两方面提出自己的一些拙见,期望对我国雇佣制度的完善有些许助益。At the end of the paper, some advice concerning improvement of legislation and establishment of an auxiliary system is given in the hope of being helpful to improvement of our employment system.

本文就如何处理地面雷达天线远场测试中常见的若干结构问题阐述拙见,祈对测试工作和有关人员有所裨益。This paper gives a detailed discussion about how to deal with some common structural problems in far-field test of ground radar antenna. The author hopes that it will be helpful for the testing work.