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漫漫人生,心如潮水般翻涌,难以平静。Long life, a heart like a flood Fanyong difficult to calm.

但我思绪仍不断地翻涌着,因为我并不认为我能做得到。In my head there is a riot, and I don't think that I can fight it.

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所以每次你感到愧疚感在胸中翻涌,就要意识到这是你的过去找上你了。So every time guilt comes up, know that it is something from the past.

即使是现在,你仍然能感到那条死去的巨龙的力量在盾牌里翻涌。Even now, you can feel the power of the dead dragon coursing through the shield.

孩子对于这些模模糊糊地有所觉察,他认为胸中翻涌的情感正是对母亲的爱意。Vaguely aware of this, the child thinks the surge of feeling in him is love for his mother.

脑袋里有一段往事在肆意翻涌,有时候真的想回忆和勾勾手指。Head a segment of the past in wanton surge, sometimes really want to recall and hook finger.

纯洁的水之少女,通晓波涛翻涌之理的,美丽的女皇,苍蓝的伊娃啊!Pure water girl, who know the waves crest of the truth, the beautiful Queen, Cang blue Eva ah!

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妈妈也拥抱着我,我知道她被翻涌的感情淹没了,我也知道她眼中含着泪,因为我感觉到了她的泪珠。I knew she was overwhelmed3 with emotion. I knew she had tears in her eyes, because I felt them.

但是,我所能看到的只有巨大的黑洞,令人压抑的重重乌云如漩涡翻涌,仿佛要将我吞噬。But all I could see was a vast dark void, swirling, menacing storm clouds that seemed to envelop me.

一个梦幻般的草甸,一端是些松树,水池,清净新鲜的空气,那些午后的云在翻涌金黄…A dreamy meadow, pines at one end, the pond, the clear fresh air, the afternoon clouds rushing golden.

如果风向改变,波涛翻涌会熄灭马达,那将可能是最后一次捕鱼了。If the wind changes, a wave flows over and stalls the engine, such fishing sally may be the last for them.

恩师的教诲如暖潮在心中翻涌,很久都未和师父通话了,师父您还好吗?His teachings such as the boom in the mind roams, long did not call the master and the master, you all right?

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我感觉海豚在白沫中跳跃,尝试着飞翔,而当浪潮翻涌至天堂一般高时,牠们几乎真的飞了起来。I feel the dolphins leaping in the white foam, trying to fly, and almost flying when the waves curl high to the heavens.

他来到海边时,海水一片灰黑,波涛汹涌,从海底翻涌上来的海水散发着恶臭。他站在海边说。When he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up from below and had a foul smell. He stood there and said.

然后,每次你把支票簿拿出来的时候,如果还感到抗拒,你就把感觉中心里翻涌的那种“我不行”的感觉都释放掉。Then, every time you take the checkbook out, if you have resistance, you can release the "I can't" feelings in your feeling center.

高朗深湛的夜空中,绵延不绝的青紫色云团移动着,簇拥着,翻涌着。In Gao Lang Shen Zhan's night sky, continue long never-failing green mauve cloud regiment to migrate, escort, rotate over to stream out.

那些甜腻黏稠的液体开始翻涌出它们的致命性,它们淹没了你的口鼻,让你站在热闹的空气中却全然无法呼吸。Those sweet thick liquid to turn out their lethality, they drown out your mouth and nose, let you stand in hot air was utterly unable to breathe.

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然后我绝望的发现,藤条上的每一个触角都在拼命的吸食记忆,我没有新事来供养,于是过往的翻涌变本加厉。Then I found despair, a rattan on the antennae are trying very hard to use memory, I do not have new things to support, then the past Fanyong intensified.

雪落在黑暗的中央平原的各个角落,落在没有树木的小山上,轻柔地飘落艾伦沼泽上,再往西,轻柔地飘落在香农河奔流翻涌的黑色水波中。It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves.