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无论是谁拍下的这些照片,都做了一件令人惊惧的事。Whoever took these pictures did an awesome job.

亚多尼雅的众客听见这话就都惊惧,起来四散。At this, all Adonijah's guests rose in alarm and dispersed.

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这个惊惧的妇人,带著烧焦的头发,刚刚逃离火场。With singed hair, the panicky woman just escaped from the fire.

“你怎么会知道我在这儿呢?”牧师惊惧地问。"How knewest thou that I was here?" asked the minister fearfully.

第二年,潘惊惧地发现他的舌头在缩短。In the following year, Pan was horrified to discover his tongue shrinking.

我知道自己无能为力,于是一切惊惧也不复存在。I knew I could do nothing about it, so all terrorization also ceased to exist.

大家都说没什么大不了的,但我又看到妈妈惊惧的眼神。They told me it was nothing, although I could see fear in my mother’s eyes again.

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令德意志民主共和国感到惊惧的是,他们在西柏林也获得庇护。Much to the consternation of the GDR, they too were granted asylum in West Berlin.

相比看要追求的生活这样的安逸中好像有一种叫我惊惧不安的东西。There seemed to me something escingaudio-videoailable ating in such easy delights.

然而,这也是让欧洲政客们感到一丝惊惧,正是此意。But it may just put the fear of God into Europe's politicians—indeed, that may be the idea.

这个经过应当很安稳,不应使羊群感到惊惧而散奔逃。It should be done smoothly, without panicking the sheep and causing them to scatter or run.

在惊惧的珍妮丝找来医生之前,她父亲已经因心脏病发作死去。Before the frightened Janice could get a doctor, her father had already died of heart-attack.

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当她回来时,她惊惧地发现,房间里已经没有了他的痕迹。But when she came back, she was frightened to find that there was no trace of him in the house.

但这个成年人却非如此智慧。当岁月的波涛溃解他的城堡时他是惊惧的。The grownup, however, is not so wise. As the wave of years collapses on his castle he is terrified. He.

陈嘉林与陈嘉亮忽然呈现在万滨村,众人惊惧,停工之事会不会又有了变化?ChenJiaLin and ChenJiaLiang suddenly appear in WanBin village, all of terror, shutdown will have change?

合唱队惊惧地看待她的行为,但不管亚格曼侬作出什么,从未影响到合唱队对他的看法。The chorus regards her with a horror that did not color their regard for Agamemnon , whatever he had done.

这类技术让一些人惊惧不已,他们担忧这会严重危及公众安全。That kind of technology scares some people, and there's concern that it's all getting ahead of public safety.

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那个男孩艰难地、费了很大力气说出话来,然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightful emphasis.

那个男孩艰难地、费了很大力气说出话来,然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightening emphasis.

倏忽间,她的手指试探性地来回摁压,抚摸着皮肤,于此同时,却感到一阵头皮发麻的惊惧。Just seconds later, her fingers, tentative, pressed back and forth, smoothing the skin as her brain bristled indignantly.