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别含含糊糊的,我听不见你在说啥!Don't mumble, I can't hear you!

当你含含糊糊说话时,人们听不清楚。When you mumble , people can't hear you clearly.

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即使不至于张口结舌,至少也只能含含糊糊。Even if not a loss for words, at least we can only vague.

不过是一个发怒的恶棍含含糊糊的指控罢了。It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

通常情况下,人们会含含糊糊的说出“条件过高”的意思。Often, people throw the term "overqualified" around vaguely.

安妮曾经含含糊糊地答应过史密斯夫人这天晚上同她一起度过。Anne had once partly promised Mrs. Smith to spend the evening with her.

他们并没有很讨厌他,但他们含含糊糊地警告我当心他。They didn't actively dislike him, but they kind of warned me about him.

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她不禁满脸通红,含含糊糊地告诉他们玫瑰花是别人送给她的。She blushed, and said confusedly that the flowers had been given to her.

即使不至于张口结舌,至少也只能含含糊糊。Even if as for is not at a loss for words, also can only be ambiguous at least.

我会提醒自己察看对方是否表情木然、语言含含糊糊或目光不定。I remind myself to look for glazed expressions, noncommittal grunts, or darting eyes.

经一番成年人含含糊糊的解释后,春春问她奶奶是否还会回来给她做东西吃。After a bumbled adult explanation, Li asked if Grandma would come back to make her some food.

HTML5目前的状态已经不似先前那么含含糊糊了,但仍然还是不甚明了。The current state of HTML5 isn’t as confusing as it once was, but it still isn’t straightforward.

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不过,他的态度肯定是含含糊糊、犹犹豫豫的,否则她决不会产生这样的误解。His manners, however, must have been unmarked, wavering, dubious, or she could not have been so misled.

但是如果你的想法是,天呀,我不知道我要表达些什麽,那麽你就会发出一段含含糊糊的讯息。But when your intention is, gosh, I don't know what to convey, then you're going to send a mixed message.

翻开这些法律和规定,“含含糊糊”之条款随处可见。It goes without saying that it is in this spirit that many of our regulations and legal provisions are enacted.

你是说她丈夫信中的威胁?那有什么了不起?不过是一个发怒的恶棍含含糊糊的指控罢了。You mean the threat in her husband's letter? What weight would that carry? It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

他开始机械似地念祈祷文,有时候因过度疲倦,竟连祈祷文都记不清楚了,于是他便以很快的速度含含糊糊念着,直到正确的词句自动回到他嘴上。Sometimes he would be so tired that he could not remember the prayer and then he would say them fast so that they would come automatically.

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他没说清楚,但我觉得,他含含糊糊是因为卡扎菲的部队要来了,关卡正在危急之中。But he was confused, I think, because he was hearing that Qaddafi’s Army was coming to Benghazi. So the checkpoint where I found him was in an emergency.

所有的人都把日光集中到了她的身上,其中也包括奶牛场老板的学徒的目光,苔丝的脸红了,就含含糊糊地说这只不过是一种幻想,说完了又接着吃她的早饭。The general attention being drawn to her, including that of the dairyman's pupil, Tess flushed, and remarking evasively that it was only a fancy, resumed her breakfast.

当问及他是师出何处时,这位自称是“秘术大师”Betaza先生则变得吞吞吐吐,含含糊糊地说他母亲就懂魔法。Asked where he learned his craft, Mr. Betaza, who calls himself a “master of occult sciences, ” becomes evasive, muttering something about his mother having practiced magic.