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简便的防滑耐磨。Easy slip-on wear.

现在就试一下这种简便的眼操吧。Try it just now as a simple exercise.

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使用上很具有简便性。It is very convenient to use the program.

其中鉴别试验改进后快速、简便、反应明显。Simple and its reaction is also distinct.

一份沙拉和汤就是很好的简便午餐。A salad and soup makes a nice light lunch.

使用简便容器,冰冻剩菜剩饭。Freeze leftovers in manageable containers.

故认为是一制备简便、实用的利胆药物新剂型。It is a new drug form of choleretic drugs.

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这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。This is a very handy tool for opening cans.

简便的查错和诊断功能。Easy troubleshooting and diagnostic features.

为简便起见,我只显示了结果。For simplicity, I'm showing productions only.

小包装方便食品烹制简便。Vacuum packed convenience food is easy to cook.

操作简便,安装一步到位。One-step connection and effortless installation.

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这个简便的标签达到了相同的效果。This out of the box tag achieves the same result.

这样一比的话,简便一些的应当更好,赫罗尔德副教授这样说道。But simpler might be better in this case, he said.

为简便起见,我们在这里将使用第二种方法。For brevity, you will use the second approach here.

这个简便链接可以提高您的成交率。Increase your close-ratio by using this handy link.

低温冷冻是保藏食品最简便的办法。Deep freezing is the simplest way of preserving food.

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简便的风格上滑横跨脚背的松紧带。Easy slip-on style with elastic straps across instep.

电路设计简洁可靠,操作简便。Simpe and reliable circuit design for easy operation.

那就学一下快速简便的去核方法吧。Learn the fastest and simplest way to remove the core.