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临床证明温和。Clinically proven mildness.

收集分析125例NEC的临床资料。We analyzed 125 cases of NEC.

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消失中的临床科学家?The Vanishing Physician-Scientist?

那么,临床上有何意义呢?So what are the clinical implications?

显然,与弦脉相关的临床疾病范围较广。Taut pulse is relevant to most diseases.

临床上往往伴发急性膀胱炎。Clinically often comorbid acute cystitis.

早期龈炎的临床指征?Early indications of clinical gingivitis?

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表明壮威口服液无明显毒性,适于临床长期服用。It was adapted in long term clinical use.

CSF临床应用具有安全性。Clinical application of rhG CSF is safety.

在临床学科我们做临床试验。In clinical science we do clinical trials.

我在磁力医院做临床工作。Well, I do clinicals at a magnet hospital.

显示机器可读临床条目Displaying machine-readable clinical entries

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我把临床心理学的内容融入这个课程中。I draw on clinical psychology in this class.

该病无特异的临床症状,术前极难确诊。The disease has no apparant clinic symptoms.

那里的场地看上去好像是非常空旷和像医院临床诊疗室那样的干净。The place looked empty and clinically clean.

这是临床蛋白质组学的网页。This is the web page of Clinical Proteomics.

IMA浓度的临床意义Clinical interpretation of IMA concentrations

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同时有临床庄状者。可称为低血特症。May be called the low blood special sickness.

结论养脾散的临床使用较为安全。CONCLUSION It would be safe in Clinical usage.

临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China.