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正方形是四边形的一种。A square is a quadrilateral.

勾股定理和四边形。Pythagorean theorem and quadrangle.

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画一组相互链接的四边形。Draws a connected group of quadrilaterals.

风筝是个有一条对称线的四边形。A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry.

四边形被剪成了平行四边形。The shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram.

此代码还会为每个四边形创建一个随机的灰度。This code also creates a random grayscale color for each quad.

针对平面四边形提出一种新的视觉定位算法。A new vision location algorithm from plane quadrangle is proposed.

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几何处理速度为每秒一百万个四边形。The geometry processing velocity is 1 million quadrilaterals per second.

这些房子不能大于2000年三亚。但没有息肉或四边形三角形。These houses can be no larger than 2000 tris. not polys or quads but TRIANGLES.

如一等边平衡四边形的面积是72平方厘米,而其中一条对角线长9厘米。求。If the area of rhombus is 72 sq cm and one of its diagonals is 9 cm long, find the.

反之,当流动与壁面趋于平行时,四边形结构网格的计算效果较好。If the flow direction is parallel to wall, the quadrangular structured mesh is right.

一个四边形是由这一对顶点和前面一对顶点构成的。One quadrilateral is defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair.

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块石形状应接近直棱柱体,或有规则的四边形或多边形。The shape of block stones shall be close to straight prism or regular quad or polygons.

两种方法都具有计算效率高,四边形网格质量好的特点。Both of the two algorithm has the property of high computing efficency and good quality.

完成了基于四边形等参单元的前期处理部分的设计和编程工作。The design of the pre-process system based on four-node element and programs are finished.

四边形接受八个参数,代表的是这个四边形的四个顶点。The quadrilateral takes eight arguments representing the four points of the quadrilateral.

本文提出了一种规则二次曲面壳上密度可变的全四边形网格剖分方法。This paper presents a graded all-quadrilateral meshing method for regularquadric surfaces.

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下图显示的是原始的影像和对应至平形四边形的影像。The following illustration shows the original image and the image mapped to the parallelogram.

波尔图沃达丰建筑的外表皮由四边形的面板与三角形玻璃窗构成。Called Oporto Vodafone Building, the project has a faceted concrete shell with angular windows.

有限元模型采用单元边长比接近于1的高精度四边形单元划分网格。Finite element model mesh use the high-precision rectangular unit which aspect ratio close to 1.