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他们施巧夺天工计拖垮了敌人。They laid out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.

这种巧夺天工只能归功于大自然。This wonder can only be credited to the nature.

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距离和宽度看似相等的格局,实则千变万化,巧夺天工。Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied.

图案精美绝伦,造型巧夺天工。These pictures are beauty and delicacy, the modeling is skilful manoeuvre.

是水晶球里巧夺天工的神秘小楼?Crystal ball is in the mystery of wonderful artical excelling nature house?

提里奥对于这种巧夺天工的手艺只能赞叹不已。Tirion could only marvel at the weapon's exceptional craftsmanship and beauty.

在小小的粉笔上造出十一级浮屠,艺术家巧夺天工的技艺让人大开眼界。The artist sculpts a delicate chalk tower, and his amazing work shows the talent.

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湖山在抱,家,就是公园,临山亲水,巧夺天工。Hills in the hold, home, is Park, the Pro Mountain hydrophilic, wonderful workmanship.

巧夺天工的设计和多彩的色调搭配,陶钧艺术的完美和谐。The wonderful and excelling design and color matching create perfect and harmonious arts.

有巧夺天工的天然水墨丹青大峡谷。There is natural water black painting Grand Canyon of wonderful workmanship excelling nature.

美丽的年轻人是自然界的巧夺天工,而美丽的老人却是真正的艺术杰作。Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.

生物园里有一座巧夺天工的人造假山。There is a bio-garden representing the artificial rockery . Moss on the rock's industrial leaders.

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从时间和空间上讲,城市重建都是浩大的工程,是一项难以置信的巧夺天工的事业。Regeneration is vast in its scope and its timescales but almost unimaginably delicate in the undertaking.

妇女是民间手工艺传承的主要承载者,她们制作的民间工艺品巧夺天工。Women are the main folk arts and crafts tradition bearers, they are produced by nature's intricate folk crafts.

仔细观察这两款游戏的车辆,各有各特点,设计上也是巧夺天工。Careful observation of these two games of vehicles, each have their own characteristics, the design is intricate.

土家族吊脚楼是我国民居的一块瑰宝,它的木结构体系更是巧夺天工。Stilted Building of Tujia Nationality is a gem of Chinese residence and its timberwork system is further wonderful.

雕像公园的设计巧夺天工,许多雕塑作品从其大胆的巨人形象给人深刻的艺术感。The Statue Park is well designed, and many of the sculptures are artistically impressive in their confident giganticism.

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浮雕般的视觉、抽象派的风格再加上巧夺天工的奇特设计,就是原野石为建筑业带来的崭新装饰理念。The Field stone brings the brand-new idea of decoration for the architecture industry, such as the vision seems like relievo.

沿河两岸典型的热带雨林景观和巧夺天工的地貌,令人叹为观止。The two sides along the typical tropical rain forest landscape and the landscape of the south-pointing carriage, eye-openers.

后来车队来到了干燥贫瘠的砂石山谷,山壁上的凹状石柱像是巨大的管风琴,风蚀的山岩形成了巧夺天工的雕塑。Then along arid valleys of sandstone, with fluted columns like giant organ pipes and eroded rocks forming fantastical sculptures.